Time goes by.

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4 months later.

After I graduated I found myself working a lot at the diner. They gave me a small raise and moved me to the day shift. It felt nice to leave work while the sun was still out. I was able to spend more time with Audrey and Tina because I finally had more spare hours in a day. As a special added bonus I didn't have to see Ginger nearly as much.

Everything seemed to be working itself out for me. I was working and saving every dollar I could. It was going to take time for me to open my restaurant but I was slowly making progress. My bank account finally held some serious savings.

Audrey and I were always together. I spent my free days with her and she always found a way to stop by and make me smile.

The diner had a rush during lunch and dinner hours and we were just slowing down from lunch rush.

"Emma, there's a few girls here who are asking for you." Our waitress Cindy had found me preparing a few salad in the back.

"Audrey?" I asked as I continued working. Audrey stopped by from time to time to sit with me on my break. She often came in to work on her computer before I left work so we could hangout together after.

"No, I have no idea who they are they just asked for you." Cindy said politely. "If you want, I'll finish this for you honey."

Cindy was a nice girl she was always friendly and sometimes a little flirty but it didn't bother me much because she treated everyone the same. She was cute, around my age and much like me she was trying to work her way through school.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." I said as I took off my apron.

Cindy smiled as she put gloves on. "Anything for you."

I exited the kitchen and looked around the dining area to see if I knew anyone there. Settled into a booth near the back of the dining room sat three very familiar faces. They were Audrey's friends. My entire body started to tense up. After what happened in the Italian restaurant four months ago I really didn't want to speak to them. One of them had noticed me standing outside of the kitchen door and I knew I had missed my opportunity to flee from the situation.

I gained some composure and forced myself into thinking that maybe they just wanted to get to know me, or even apologize.

"Hey." I said as I walked up to their table.

I watched them shift in their seats as I stood glaring down at them. I knew that me standing above them was probably making them uncomfortable so I grabbed a chair from an adjacent table and sat down at the head of their table. At least this way I could get away quickly if I had to.

"Hi." The blonde spoke. "I'm Jen," Her platinum hair was done perfectly and she, like all of her friends, wore designer clothes which greatly seemed out of place at the diner. "This is Lucy," she pointed at the girl with black hair. She offered a small wave. "And this is Jess." Jess had darker blonde hair. They all looked like models. Each of them clearly looked different but in some way they all resembled each other.

"Nice to see you guys again, at least I have my clothes on this time." I joked trying to gage just how down to earth they were. None of them laughed at all.

"About that," The blonde Jen spoke. "We're sorry. We aren't used to Audrey having guests. We were kind of shocked and a little excited for her."

'Finally.' I thought to myself. The apology seemed sincere.

"It's fine. I don't have much time but thank you for apologizing it means a lot." I tried to exit on a high note.

"Audrey told us you cook pretty well. We're hosting a party in a few weeks I was wondering if you wanted to cater it?" Jen offered. "She said you're trying to open a restaurant. There will be a lot of well off people there it could be a good opportunity for you and of course it would be paid."

Infinite.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora