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My eyes scanned over the rebuilt restaurant. It was abundantly clear that Audrey had spared no expense. Even the brick that lined the exterior walls had a sparkle about them. My hand trembled a bit as I reached the main door.

Through the glass I could see Audrey, clip board in hand. She was pointing out something on the floor. My ears couldn't focus on her words. Instead I reflected back on the time we've spent together. There were lies, and fights, there were hard times but one thing remained, us. We were a constant. Audrey knew how to love me. Even with her distant, ritzy upbringing she found a way to make me incredibly happy. She found a way to grow without guidance.

I carefully opened the door and I approached her slowly. Audrey was too engulfed in the details to notice me walking towards her. From behind me I could hear Tina and my mother following closely.

My knees were starting to feel weak. My hands held a small tremble and for some reason tears had already began to fill my eyes.

"This is it." I thought to myself.

"Audrey." My voice cracked as I called out to her. Tina laughed a bit from behind me.

"Shhh," My mother chimed in. "Don't make her more nervous." She whispered.

"Audrey." I spoke again. This time my voice reached her ears.

In slow motion she turned to me. Her sea blue eyes met mine and for a brief second they were littered with panic. I watched as her eyes shot mine to Tina's and the back to mine.

"Emma please don't freak out. You deserve this, you deserve nice things and not to have to worry about..." I cut her off with a kiss.

My lips crashed on to hers and the world seemed to implode around us. I just needed her. Our lips danced together for what seemed like hours before she gently pulled back.

"You're not mad?"

I shook my head. "No Audrey." I felt myself smiling as she leaned in and rested her forehead on mine. I blinked away a few tears before I took a step away from her. 

"You deserve this. All of it." Audrey gestured around the nearly finished restaurant her eyes roamed from wall to way while mine continued to stay locked on to her. "I love you Emma." Audrey's eyes found mine again.

"Audrey," I paused for a second and looked down towards my feet. My nerves were flaring up and tears were escaping from my eyes.

Audrey's hand was instantly on my cheek when she realized I had been crying. "Hey it's okay Emma." She paused. "I knew you'd be kind of upset at first but you deserve this so please let me give it to you?"

Audrey's loving words gave me the strength to continue. They immediately reminded me why I had showed up unannounced.

"I will but just listen for a second okay?" Audrey nodded and took a step away from me. Again, her eyes found mind.

"The second night I drove you home; I knew at that moment that I would love you. You were so carefree and beautiful and I could get enough. I could not take my eyes off of you. And when I woke up that morning after everything you told me...I couldn't stop thinking about you. The way you kissed me. The way you showed up at my job to ask me out instead of just calling like a normal person, it just pulled me in more. When you showed up at my apartment with soup; I think I was in love with you then. I know it doesn't make much sense, but it just felt magnetic. No matter what you did I found myself getting closer and closer until I couldn't stand to be without you. I knew about your flaws and it didn't matter. I know that sometimes, there is some pain behind those beautiful eyes and it doesn't scare me. I love who you are. I love that you dropped everything to be there for me when I needed it the most. I love who I am when we're together Audrey. I feel invincible. I don't ever want this to stop. So yes, I'll take the restaurant but I have one condition."

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