Chapter 33: Goodbye For Now

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"What? How is that possible?" A look of shock and confusion spreads across his face as he speaks at a normal volume, "Where did she think you were when I took you to Santa Monica or when we went to Disneyland?"

"Shh, you'll wake the whole neighborhood up," I bring my pointer finger up to my lips and swat his chest, eyebrows furrowing together.

My features soften a bit and I avert his gaze, "Well, I sort of lied and told her that I had been staying with Bree on those days. She never suspects a thing because it's a norm for me and Bree to stay overnight at each other's houses," I explain.

His mouth quickly opens to fire back with a snide remark but closes it and nods, a smirk forming on his lips.

I unlock the door and find my mom flipping through the channels, eyes slowly drooping closed. She rubs her tired eyes and gives me a small smile before her expression changes into a puzzled one.

"Hey mom, I'm home." She stays silent for me to continue, waiting for an explanation on why a random boy she's never met before is standing in her house late at night. "This is Andrew, Andrew this is my mom," I gesture back and forth.

"Hi, Ms. Wilkins. It's a pleasure to meet you," he waves, hiding his injured hand behind his back.

"Same here," she responds with a warm smile. Then, her gaze turns towards me with an expectant look on her face. She motions for me to come over and I slip off my wedges as I edge my way towards her. I bend down so that I can hear what she has to say.

"Care to explain to me why this boy I've never met before is in my home this late at night?" She whispers amusedly.

"He got injured at the party, and I offered to help him bandage it up," I explain. She nods and places her hand on my shoulder.

"So how long have you two been talking, and when were you going to tell me about him, Sophie?" She asks with an amused smile. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment and a quirky smile forms on my lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh please, I'm your mother, I know everything," she chuckles, "and besides, it's pretty obvious that he likes you. I mean look at him, he's been staring at you like a boy longing for a puppy." I freeze up at her words and slowly turn around.

Our eyes immediately lock, and a volcano erupts in my stomach. I avert my gaze and my mom leans in to whisper one more time, "I recognize that glint in his eyes. He's falling head over heels for you," She charmingly states.

I shake my head in disbelief, shooting an incredulous look her way. Sure, Andrew may like me, but I don't think he likes me as much as my mom claims.

"Well, we should go upstairs now," I announce and grab Andrew's wrist, pulling him up the stairs. He quickly slides off his Vans and I hear my mom faintly chuckle as I shut the bathroom door closed.

Leaning against the bathroom sink, his eyes watch my every move as I search through the drawers beside it for the first aid kit. When I finally find it, I pluck out the supplies I need.

I carefully take a hold of his hand, and the warmth from it sends an electric current to flow within me at the simple touch. What this guy could do to me was unprecedented.

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