Chapter One

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I knew something was off when I got called to the principal. I never got called down there. And it was a giveaway when my mother was nowhere in sight. But, for some odd reason, I stayed and sat like a good obedient dog and faced the news delayed no more.

I always hated it when people try to avoid telling you what happened. By the time they tell you, you already know. That's the one thing that I admired about Mr. Marshmel, and he didn't bet around the bush. As soon as I sat down, he told me. My mother wouldn't be picking me up today. I won't see her for a very long time.

The neighbor heard fighting and screaming but ignored it because of reasons unknown. But when she stepped out, she saw the door broken. She decided that the door being open was suspicious enough for her to investigate now. When she entered the living room was in shatters. She reached my room and saw my mom lying there, a knife in her abdomen, struggling to avoid the inevitable. By the time the police came, it was too late; fate had caught up to her.

It was nine when Iwas finally able to go to the hotel. The police had to interrogate me to makesure I didn't know anything. I did of course. But the police wouldn't be ableto take Victor. No one could.

After everything I went through today, it was nice to be able to shower and let everything sink in correctly. My mother was gone, my father was gone. And they think that me moving to a different country would protect me. It was laughable. And the council would go silent because 'they don't want anything to be suspicious.' Their words, not mine.

Today I was taking things rather calmly, according to the adults. Again, another thing I hated about people. They think you would scream and cry. You don't, or I didn't. I feel numb, and I wait until no one is around to see me. If they did, they would ask if I was okay.

Another laughable thing people say. Of course not. How would I be okay, my parents were both killed because of some wacko who wants me.

That's something I do well. Hiding my emotions then letting them all out at once. People always say it's terrible for your health, that you should still go to someone. Well sadly, I don't have anyone close by that I can turn too. Everyone that I'm close to is a way for 'their protection' as the council likes to put it. It's a nice way to say that I'm a hazard that threatens people lives. Way to put salt in the wound.

I haven't seen my friend since my father died and my mother and I went into hiding. And I know that as soon as I get there, everyone near me will be in danger. It's the circle of life.

My life has been cruel, but unlike my mother, I had help. I had people that were there for me, and I was grateful but not grateful enough. Soon all my companions that stayed with me and supported me were gone, and I was alone with no one else to help.

But the world works that way. It's fair to some, and I wear others down. I am one of those people that get bruised and cut by the world. But for some reason, I continued to stand strong. I've never thought of leaving this world and making my life easier. I've fought, and I lost, but I fought, and that's what's counts. No one can take my spirit away from me, only myself and I would rather die than do that.

It may seem to be such a simple thing, but to me, it means everything. I haven't quit. I brush my brown hair every day. I looked at my green eyes in the morning and wondered how on earth is this fair. I get dress and brush my teeth, and there are days where I want to fall asleep and never wake up, but every morning at five o'clock, I wake up, and I do it all over again.

The world won't stop spinning because you're having a bad day. The world won't stop because you are feeling sorry for yourself. And so, you practice continuing to spin with the earth. My mother may be dead, but the world is still spinning and even if my world has stopped. The Earth hasn't. So, I'll face the social worker, and I'll cry in the shower, and I will keep on living an empty shell. I will what to end it all, but I won't. I'll wake up just like every day. It's the worst kind of torture. 


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