Chapter Thirty-one

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Eric has been coming over more, and by coming over I mean annoying me. And he is finally getting to me, and I'm not the only one. Oliver has finally had a breakthrough with Edan, and couldn't be more happy about it. Things were looking okay, Vanessa was in school and doing well, everyone thought things were peachy. Everyone except me and Eric.

Sometimes he would come into my room and we would talk about our concerns. And he showed me documents sometimes when I'm in his office. Things weren't looking peachy with other people. Vampires kept getting attacked and are begging for our help, other packs are having the same issues. And we have sent as many troops as we can but we still have a border to protect ourselves. 

And I'm livid. I want this all to end, but I knew that as soon as I stepped outside the border, I would die. And that's when it hit me. Victor wants me to run away so that I can lure him out. And that is how I am here walking through the woods alone but unafraid. I had a plan, but I didn't dare tell anyone that. But I knew that Eric would come searching once he discovered that I'm not there. That's why I was brushing up against every tree I could and why I left my clothes that I wore on my bed.

Every now and then I would send vibrations in hope that they would reach Vanessa who, like me could detect them. I had it all planned out, I sent a bird with a message on it and everything. I was one time, and once I made it to the border I stopped. The plan was to lure them away and attack them. They couldn't use chloroform because it doesn't work on me and I was aware of everything near me. Nothing can get passed me.

"Well looky here, she came," an unfamiliar voice said. "And she came alone. He was right about you, you are dumb."

"Now now, come on Jimmy. She just wants her friends to be safe," another voice said. This one was female though, small but important in a fight. 

"There's only two of you," I asked.

"Yeah. But Victor sent his strongest so don't get any ideas," the male voice said.

"You have me quivering in fear," I said flatly.

"Look, the rose has thorns," the female taunted. "Come on princess lets go."

I soon felt vibrations, and I felt paws hit the ground, dozens of them. It didn't take Eric long to figure out where I am. I had to force myself from smirking. They had no idea, and therefore, I wasn't afraid. So I stepped out of the border and near them, I let them lead me a couple of miles out. But I still kept sending vibrations and receiving them. Each time is showing me how far the wolves are. We wouldn't be reaching the car.

When Eric was close by, I finally snapped. The guards didn't even know what hit them. In a second they were covered in ice beside their mouths. I wasn't cruel enough to kill them, besides I need them for answers. A couple of minutes later, I saw the midnight black wolf that I became so familiar with.

"Hi Eric," I said. "It took you long enough."

His answer was a pounce; he lept on me causing me to crash on the ground, and he licked me. I laughed and let him enjoyed this small moment. Once he calmed down, he nuzzled his snout in my neck and whimpered. 

"Shhhh. I know don't worry I'm safe," I said. He still whimpered. 

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes when he pulled away and somehow gave me a look. A look that screamed I was in so much trouble once I get home. But I didn't fault him in it, I knew that I had a lot of explaining and I was okay with it. It was only fair.

"I'll explain everything as long as you don't kill those people, I need them for answers and I don't want blood on your hands for me. He gave me a growl causing me to pinch him in the ear.

"Don't you growl at me," I warned. He gave me a wolfish scowl and shook his head out of my grip. It wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes either. But I still knew his answer. It was fine, but I would have to do a lot of explaining, and it's unlikely that he'll let me leave his side. 

I knew he was mad at me, but he didn't leave my side once we started walking, and every strange sound made his ears perk up. I can see why my mom would run off. She knew that he would find her, and be furious but still wouldn't let her walk on her own. Wolves and their strange habits.

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