Chapter Thirteen

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Eric decided that it would be hysterical if he pushed me to the ground and tickle me. He soon found out that I can deliver a mean punch. Of course, it didn't do much harm, he is the king of werewolves but it did get him to stop his torture. And he had the audacity to laugh and the thing is, I started to laugh too.

After that, we just hung out. We didn't do anything, we just talked. And it was perfect. He was the perfect gentlemen surprisingly. And when it started to get late, he took me home. Where I was bombarded by Grace and all her questions. And it was okay, I still had butterflies in my stomach. And so I answered Grace with a smile on my face.

But nothing lasts for long. In the morning my giddiness disappeared with a dove on my window. A dove with a note attached to its leg. Victor. He started sending doves in mockery of what they stand for. The notes weren't messages of peace, they were threats. A warning to watch your back. 

'Can you see the blood on our hands

It's enough to make even the strongest warrior cry

Have I not taught you well enough

No matter how far you run

No matter how powerful your walls are

I will make you crumble

And those who are love blood

Will be on your hands

You will never escape me.'

And that is how I turned back to my shell. I didn't smile the next day, nor did I laugh. All I did was remember the note. This mess is my destiny, to live a life of blood loss. I wasn't meant to be with someone. With power comes compromises. And if I could get rid of my abilities, I would.

Victor doesn't want me, he doesn't want my loved ones. He wants my power, he doesn't care if I die with it. And he's too arrogant to realize that he can't take my powers. And he will continue to cause a war. And he is very good at that. And I am very good at having the blame put on me. I can't go back to the council, they won't talk to me for fear of Victor. 

Like I said before, Victor is very patient. Victor has me right where he wants me. In a corner and alone. But I'm done. I'm done with having people near me disappearing, I'm done with him killing my parents. I'm done with having the hearts of another stranger delivered to my bed. I'm done with being a scared little girl. I won't let someone else die for me. If I die fighting him, then so be it. I will die anyway. 

"Ms. White would you be so kind and tell us what's so important that you aren't paying attention in class," Mr. Brunner asked. Crap.

"I have been listening tough, you were explaining how writing got discovered," I said. And it's true, I might have been off but I can still hear what Mr. Brunner is saying.

"Well then you won't mind me asking who first put letters together," he knows I know. He just wants me to answer him out of spite.

"We don't know perfectly, but we believe that it was civilizations before Mesopotamia or even Mesopotamia itself," I answered.

"Good," Mr. Brunner said but was interrupted by the bell. Finally, the end of the day.

I was the first one out the door but the last one to leave school. I had to do this in solitude. Time to use my power again.   

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