Chapter Thirty-three

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The vampire king was notorious, and he was one of the youngest vampires ever to be crowned. And apparently, he was one of the fairest kings ever to rule, earning himself more followers than any other king as well. And yet, his kind, and loving soul hasn't gotten matched with someone.

So, he lived alone in Greenland with only his servants and lords. But what made me like him, is his love of cats. According to Eric, he has close to fifteen cats and I want every one of them. Eric doesn't agree with me about my obsession with cats, but he did agree with me about the importance of this meeting.

And so, we got to work. Oliver and Kai both joined and we talked about when this meeting should take place. We all agreed that the meeting would have to be at the weekend and he should stay a couple of days. And after we had everything figured out, the boys left to see their mate, while I stayed with Eric.

"I don't know if I should be happy or scared," he mused.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Again, I don't know if I should be happy or scared."

"Haha, very funny," I said flatly. 

He gave me a cheeky grin before he continued organizing his desk. I didn't know what to do so I went to pick up the book that I was reading and let him finish organizing.

"So have you thought about the full moon," he asked suddenly.

"No, I've been a little busy."

"I figured. My wolf does want to meet you."

"I thought he already did," I said.

"You never meet him when he was in full control. He wants that, alone time with you and he's been bothering me about it, and it's getting annoying."

"Oh gee I wouldn't know that feeling," I mumbled knowing that he would hear it.

"Haha very funny," he copied.

"I'll think about."

"Mphh, he says it's cute how you think that you have a choice in this matter," he said.

"Well, tell him that I can make him sleep in a doghouse," it came out as a taunt, but I'm not afraid of doing that. And I would have no shame in doing so.

"You wouldn't."

I looked him straight in the eye when I said, "try me."

"I would never forgive you," he tried, but I caught his smirk. He was enjoying this.

"That smirk says other why," I retorted.

"You caught me," he chuckled. "So, Vanessa is like you?"

"Yep. Just not as many powers, Vanessa can only control earth."

"And clearly you can control many other things. You use water the most. Especially in training."

"You're right. Every elemental that was like me usually had one element that they could control much easier, water is mine. You can almost say that it's my main element. But after I discovered what I could do with water, I stopped using it as much. Instead, I adjusted. I mastered my powers at the age of three, but it was still hard using any other element. Especially when I discovered more things that I could do. The council thinks that I have more powers because I have witch blood in me, passed down from my family tree. But we could never prove it, and I doubt it."

"Then what do you think it is?"

"I don't know. But I found it strange that my aunt didn't get the gene and that my mother didn't get it. It seemed like this gene was dormant for the longest time until my mom came along. According to the council, the elemental gene is hereditary. Every girl gets its yet, my mom was the only one who got it."

"Maybe your mom was special," he suggested.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Either way, you have been blessed with amazing powers, as Oliver puts it," he said.

That's what everyone thinks, that this is a blessing. But like I said before, comes extraordinary powers come great burdens.

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