Chapter Twenty-eight

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A long chapter up ahead. Let me know if you want me to write more chapters like this. And yes, she does talk to Vanessa. a_sarcastic_bookworm

I was numb. I couldn't feel anything, so I walked around aimlessly. And in the back of my mind, I knew I should look for Vanessa or even Edan, but it seems like I didn't care. I just walked, hoping that I would soon start feeling things but like always they never did. So, I walked, not a care in the world.

And the pack members did nothing. They just stared and moved out of my way. The males didn't even look at me in the eyes; I guess they can smell Eric scent on me. My shirt most likely isn't helping my case either; he pulled the classic leaving his shirt for me to wear because he's possessive card. He and I are going to have words about this, but right now, I want to be left alone. And thankfully I was, for a whole hour.

But for me, an hour was more than enough time to get over my pity party. And, in a matter of seconds, I became a girl on a mission. I wasn't going to let anyone stop me, I didn't see Vanessa last night but I will today.

 I wasn't going to let anyone stop me, I didn't see Vanessa last night but I will today

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"Hey," I turned towards her.

"Hi," her voice had a happy undertoned, it was a punch to the gut. Here she was, lying on a hospital bed because her uncle wanted to get to me, but she was still glad to see me. I didn't deserve this kind of treatment. I deserved to be yelled at to have things thrown at me. She should be mad at me.

"You were always good at hiding your emotions," she said. "It took me a while for me to read your expression. I know your feeling guilty. And I am mad at you."

That comment made me flinch.

"I'm mad at you because you still think that everything is your fault," she continued. "You didn't do this, and you weren't the one who used their fist to hurt me. But don't worry, you can make it up to me by killing Victor."

"I don't think I can," it came out as a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I can kill him. I think that when the time comes, I couldn't be able to kill him."

"But you have too. He'll keep killing if you don't."

"I know that. But who am I to be judge and jury," I was looking outside the window at the little kids playing. Victor might kill them if I don't stop him.

"He's done plenty of things that you earned that right to play judge and jury," she was getting frustrated, but I could tell that she was intrigued. She never did like violence.

"But that still doesn't make it right. If I kill him, aren't I just sinking to his level? I've pictured his captured a million times before but no matter what, I can't picture myself watching the color leave his eyes. His muscles are relaxing because he's dead."

"Then what do you plan on doing. Elena, I don't think you realize how powerful he's gotten. He's teamed up with dark witches, and they've found a way to take someone's power."

"What," I turned back to her clinging on to a small chance that she's joking. Her expression was serious.

"He had a witch transfer a tattoo of an elemental to himself. He's got every one of them but yours. And he still hasn't quite mastered his powers, but he's good. How has your training been."

"You know I hate using that power."

"But it might be our only chance," she was tap dancing on my last nerve.

"What power of yours is she talking about," Eric decided to give me a heart attack.

"Nothing," I said.

"She can control the water inside of someone against them. In other words, she can make someone's body turn against them," Vanessa so kindly explained. "And she's still discovering more powers she can do. Aren't you?"

"I might have found a couple," I admitted.

"But she refuses to practice them. I don't know why though. She's the only elemental who can control water that can do that. She also has great telekinesis skills. Again, the only elemental in recorded history that can do it," she might have welled told my deepest darkest secrets.

"You mean to tell me," it was Oliver that said that. "You're that powerful, and you don't use it."

"It's leaning on the darker side of my powers," I tried to explain to them.

"She can do more than that, and she can go to the spirit world and get help," again, she might as well tell my darkest secrets.

"That's so cool," Julia said that one.

"Seriously, why don't you practice them. I wouldn't mind getting controlled by you," Grace said. 

Soon, I heard so many voices I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't focus on anything. It got so bad that I snapped.

"Shut up. You have no idea what those powers do to me." 

Everyone got silent at that. I'm sure that my eyes were pure white.

"What do you mean," Eric was the one who asked the question. He was slowly walking to me like he was afraid that I would snap again. I willed myself to calm down before I started explaining.

"Those powers are all the darker side of my powers. Elemental's do light magic, not dark. But half of that is dark magic, and I once got consumed by it. If you could call it that."

"What does that mean," Eric said still ambling to me.

"It means that I got lost in the spirit world. And it wasn't the good part of it. It was the darker side, the part where all the evil is. I only escaped because a spirit noticed that I was out of place. They lead me back to the path, but the damage was done. I'm still haunted by what I saw.  Some things should just be left alone. Some powers shouldn't be done. All of the things that you just craved about are all powers that shouldn't even be thought of."

Eric finally got to me. And he didn't say anything, and he didn't smirk, he just put his arms around me and pulled me to his side. Eric walked me towards the room and out the door. It was the best thing he possibly could have done.

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