chapter two

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Rory entered the kitchen to see Noah seated at the dining room table on his laptop. He had put on a fresh pot of coffee, which was specifically for her, since he was never a fan of the caffeinated brew that fueled Rory. Beside the coffee machine sat the kettle, which was most likely boiling water for Noah's tea.

"Hey, babe," He greeted as she made her way across the room to fill up her mug. Daily coffee was a habit that began when she was fifteen years-old and was now something that she couldn't live without. Noah knew this and did his best to accommodate her need for caffeine in the morning, but always hated the bitter taste. He much preferred a cup of tea, something comforting, instead of wiring.

"How'd you sleep?" Rory asked. She came up behind him to see what he was researching but wasn't surprised to see that he was researching venues for their big day. He had been extremely excited ever since she had accepted his proposal. It was nice to see him like that, so happy, but Rory wasn't sure she felt the same level of glee.

They had discussed, or, rather, he had discussed, having an autumn wedding. Rory had no problem with this, nor did she have any problem with any of his ideas. She was very nonchalant about everything, letting him plan everything, since they were things that only mattered to him. She would pay attention to the guest list and her dress, but the rest was up to him.

Suddenly, Noah looked up at her, but his eyes were not his. His orbs were suddenly pitch black and he spoke, using a voice that wasn't his, "Why would you do this to me?" The creature that had possessed Noah asked her, voice deep and somber, "Why would you do this to me, you monster,"

Rory woke with a start, breathing hard. She sat up in bed, placing a hand on her chest to try and calm her heart rate. Sadie shifted beside her, raising herself out of bed and leaning on her elbow on her side.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

Rory nodded, "Yeah, it was just a nightmare. Sorry for waking you up."

Sadie nodded, then got behind Rory, holding her shoulders and reproaching her ear, "Just breathe, okay?"

Rory nodded, but continued to breathe rapidly. She tried to slow her breaths, but they would soon accelerate. This only added to the nausea that she had been feeling for the past while.

"Inhale," Sadie ordered gently, whispering in Rory's ear and breathing with her.

Rory obliged.


Once Rory's breathing had calmed, Sadie removed herself and laid on her side of their shared bed. It was small, but clean – something they were both thankful for. Rory had heard horrible things about motels, but, so far, her experience hadn't been bad at all. They had really lucked out, it could have been much worse.

They had decided the night before that they needed to stay somewhere, so, after eating their dinner at the diner, they kept an eye out for motels along the way. Thankfully, the first one they saw was a nice one.

So, Sadie and Rory spent their first night together. Rory wasn't sur how to act, since their 'thing' had only just begun, but they were already so far into it. They had skipped many steps, something that Rory had never liked to do. She liked to be clear, concise and always planning. Most of all, she liked to stick to those plans.

Sadie, though, was the opposite. She had a 'go with the flow' attitude that Rory had never been taught to master. Sadie was the kind of person that made messes, where Rory was the kind of person that cleaned them up. They were either a match made in heaven or a match made in hell.

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