chapter five

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Rory looked down at the object in hand, believing, or rather, hoping, that her eyes were deceiving her. It couldn't be, she desperately hoped that it wasn't true. After all, pharmacy pregnancy tests weren't very reliable – she hoped.

She stared at the plus sign in the stick she had just peed on. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't be pregnant. She knew that she had been going against a lot of plans lately, but this was something that really couldn't happen. She blinked a couple times, hoping that this would erase the plus sign on the stick.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she could do. She would need to tell Sadie, for sure, but she wasn't sure if she should check with the doctor first. She would have to book a doctor's appointment to make sure that she really was pregnant.

Rory knew, though, that the chances were slim that she wasn't pregnant. She also knew that Sadie would be very upset to find out that Rory had known for long enough to have booked and gone to a doctor's appointment and hadn't even told her.

The other element was Noah, of course. He was the father of the baby, so obviously she had to tell him, that was an obvious point. He needed to know, but when would she tell him? She didn't want to be selfish, but she knew that it would be selfish to keep it from him. She simply didn't know if she could tell him so soon. She certainly didn't want the first thing she said to him after she ran away from their wedding to be 'I'm pregnant', but she didn't know if she would have a choice.

First thing first, she needed to think about herself. When did she get pregnant? How much had she drunk since then? When could she see a doctor? How could she take care of herself?

So, Rory got to researching. She grabbed Sadie's laptop, which they had both been using to keep up to date on work emails and got to googling. She loved to be prepared for everything and anything and, luckily for her, they lived in an era where it was possible.

She wondered how Sadie would react to all of this. She hoped that she wouldn't take it too badly, but Rory wasn't sure how great it would be to find out that your girlfriend is carrying her ex-fiancé's baby. They hadn't been together long enough for Sadie to feel an obligation to stay – it had only been two weeks.

Rory could see it then – running away from her wedding to be with a woman who would break up with her once she found out she was pregnant. Raising the baby as a single mother when she could have been married and raising the child with the father.

The last thing Rory wanted was for Sadie to feel an obligation to stay and then resent her for it. They would live out the rest of their lives unhappily and, frankly, Rory would rather be a single parent.

If she knew Noah, he wouldn't make her do it all alone. He would want to spend time with his child. Then again, she knew him before she broke his heart into pieces and left him at the alter in front of every single important person in their lives.

Sadie was gone, doing the laundry at the laundromat for both, so Rory had a little time to figure out a hasty plan of action. She knew that she needed to tell Sadie sooner rather than later. She needed to know, she deserved to know.

Rory looked up the number for a doctor's office online, then called to make an appointment.

Soon enough, Sadie walked through the door, carrying all their freshly cleaned laundry, "Hey babe," She said, leaning in to give Rory a quick peck, the laundry basket between them.

"I'm pregnant," Rory blurted, unable to keep it inside any longer. As soon as she saw Sadie's face drop, she knew that she shouldn't have been so blunt.

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