Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jiyasha stared at her sponsor who was taking his place on the stage. She was cautiously reading the expressions on his face when he introduced himself.

"Good evening to all the collegiate. I am Amar, the chief personal secretary to Aryan Saxena. Sir has sent words of apologies since he couldn't come here today due to some work. But be sure that we'll often meet and you might get a chance to meet him. Anyways, I present the cheques and the files to our new research team." Amar handed over the things to Jiyasha and shook hand with her.

"I am looking forward to meet you again and maintain a cordial relationship," Amar told Jiyasha's team.

"We will also look forward to meet you and Mr. Saxena," Jiyasha replied diligently.

"Mr. Saxena doesn't meet much of the public but he was willing to come here today. It was only at the last moment that he cancelled it. I will talk to him if he is willing to meet you at all. Thank you," saying so, Amar left the conference hall in a hurry.

"We will be doing so much of hard work and the owner of the firm won't even meet us? What kind of a person he is!" Jiyasha was telling her teammates doubtfully.

"Why are you worrying for the owner? Whoever he is, let him be. We should focus on our work now. We will have enough time to think of him because our project will last till the end of our degree, I mean we have this year," Pooja told Jiyasha.

Jiyasha nodded her head. "You are right but what about Monica? What will she do?"

Jatin intervened, "Team Jiyasha, I need you all in my cabin right now."
The team members agreed and followed him behind.


At Jatin's cabin, he was detailing the informations to his students.
"You have been given your project. Make sure that each one of you have a copy of the file given to you and the original one will be with Jiyasha. The project doesn't require teamwork but it requires individual effort. And at the end of your course, each one will be submitting it individually maintaining the uniqueness. You have been divided into teams only to discuss any confusing topics and you aren't expected to make an exact replica of the other. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded and Diwakar arched his eyebrows. Monty was also thinking about the project intensely. Jatin saw their blank faces and chuckled.
He added, "Especially you two, don't mess your works again like the last time."

They maintained silence as anything they would speak was going to irk Jatin. Jatin never considered them to be obedient at all and they always used to pretend to be obedient before him.

"Now except Jiyasha, everyone else leave the room immediately," Jatin ordered them and they obeyed silently.

Jatin got up from his chair and looked at Jiyasha closely, "Now listen carefully. You have been the most intelligent and sensible girl of our college and this is the reason why you have been given the project of Saxena industries. There are a few problems which you need to solve and I can bestow only you with this responsibility. And most importantly, you are requested to do it secretly without the knowledge of your teammates."

"What is it Sir?" Jiyasha asked willingly. She was not able to figure out the real cause behind it.

"We have been receiving complaints regarding patients facing severe medicinal ailments. I mean many drugs with toxins have been found all over the country, and even many deaths have been reported too. The police or the CBI are unable to find out the real culprit," Jatin told Jiyasha in a grave voice.

"Sir, what will I have to do then?" Jiyasha asked him again. Beads of perspiration had already occupied on her forehead.

"You will have to work with a new set of drugs for the specific diseases as mentioned in the files but your own blueprint of the formulae used should not be disclosed to anybody. And I am sure you are strong enough to protect your own copyright," Jatin told her with a smile. His confidence on Jiyasha was originating clearly from his words.

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