Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jiyasha heard a loud knock on the door early morning. She hadn't yet gotten up from the bed and there was Monica and Pooja barging inside her room. It surely astonished her.

Pooja hurriedly placed herself beside Jiyasha and said, "Jiya, the warden called us early in the morning and informed that you didn't go to water the plants today. Are you alright?"

Monica's eyes fell on the pink gown kept on the other side of the bed. "How did this dress come here, Jiya?"

Jiyasha was worried of what to be answered to her friends as she was herself confused with everything. She was trying to find answers to her own questions and she was definitely not happy with all the happenings around her.

"It is a long tale. I know whatever I will tell you now, you both aren't going to believe me. That man who saved you two in that forest, he even saved me a number of times later. I attended the derby game with him, we clicked pictures together but then I missed in knowing him. Suddenly last night, he sneaked secretly into my room and gifted me this. Seriously I am in a dilemma now. I mean whenever I am in trouble, I find him beside me. I liked this dress and he gifted me but the mystery is that I don't know his name or anything about him. He just told me that the more we meet, the more we will know each other. And above all, he said that he has some feelings for me," Jiyasha narrated with a pale look on her face.

"What did you say then? As far as I can read your eyes, you too have feelings for him," Monica was asking her.

"I agree I do feel something for him but I am not sure what it is. I feel like I should talk to him every time, we should together visit places, gossip with each other, etc and etc. But my mind isn't ready to accept him as he is so much unknown to me. I want to know more about him so I didn't answer anything yet and I am waiting for the next meeting. You know what he said that he'll meet me again whenever I am in trouble or at the right time." Jiyasha ended her story.

"Oh it is really a heart wrenching story. You are waiting for someone with whom you have no contact and what if situations do not arise and you do not meet him again? I am feeling scared for you. Don't hamper your studies and bright future behind this," Pooja warned her.

"Don't feel scared for me, nothing will happen to me or my studies. I will be able to manage. Now let's get ready." Jiyasha jumped out of the bed and left the room immediately.

Monica turned to Pooja after Jiyasha had left and said, "What do you think? Isn't she hiding her pain from us and that's the reason she left the room in a hurry? I saw tears in her eyes. Our strong Jiyasha is crying."

"I think we should try to cheer her up and help her out of the trouble. But how should we? Even we know nothing about the guy except his face," Pooja told Monica.

"But I don't even know his face. You know I was unconscious in the forest that night." Monica was getting worried.

"Wait then, I think I can show you his picture. Jiyasha and he had a photoshoot at the derby game and it was published in a magazine. But where it is I don't know. Let's search Jiyasha's room, I gave it to her," Pooja told her and began searching for it. But before they could, Jiyasha reappeared in the room again. Monica and Pooja left the room quickly after that.

Pooja spoke to Monica outside the room, "I think she has hidden it somewhere or has thrown it away. As far as I remember, when I had given her the magazine, she was in a bad mood and had kept the magazine aside rudely." 

"Then I think we should try to do something for her," Monica told her and they left the place together. They were also worried for Jiyasha and the new development in her life.

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