Chapter 60 (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 60


Manish remained awaken beside an unconscious Jiyasha for the whole night. He had tried to regain her senses a number of times but fear was not ready to leave her. The next morning when she woke up, Manish also sat awkwardly near her.

"What were you doing here for the whole night?" Jiyasha shouted on top of her voice which compelled him to frown his forehead.

"You were the one who was lying unconscious for the whole night and I was guarding you. You are now shouting at me!" he said dissatisfactorily.

Jiyasha moved out of his rigorous grip and stood on the hard floor. "Please Manish, leave my room immediately. I'm not in the mood to talk."

Manish simply obeyed for he could not think of irritating her. His actions might impact her mental health more and he had already estimated it. He wouldn't want to impose his love on her until she approved.

When Manish left her room, Jiyasha took out the preserved memories of Aryan from her luggage. She was carrying the file that reminded her the most of Aryan. Her fingers nibbled at the last letter which he had written to her and she gazed emotionally at it.

She also remembered Aryan's words from the previous night. She reminisced all her pleasant memories with him which were deeply etched in her heart. Uncontrollable tears began flowing down her sore eyes until she nodded her head vigorously. "No, I can never erase Aryan's memories to create new memories with Manish. I can't even accept Manish in my life without emptying Aryan from my soul and blood. I can't betray one for the other. I'm happy with Aryan's memories only."

She glanced through the file again and Aryan's death certificate traumatized her. Never in her life she had the courage to even take a look at it, look at the paper that contained the details of her husband's death. This would break her heart uncountable number of times but she had preserved the piece of paper with her for one particular reason: it was the ultimate memory of his!

She closed the file in a hurry. She hated to see it again and again. After settling her luggage, her eyes fell on Manish's gift for her. She picked it up and placed it neatly on the corner shelf, away from everyone's eyes. "No matter what but I can't accept you. I may have developed feelings for you but I can't betray Aryan by accepting you. Once when I leave for India after grandma returns home, I want you to find the parcel as it is. I'm very sorry."


The whole day Jiyasha hadn't spoken to Manish at all and even he chose not to disturb her again. In the evening, she was sitting in her room when Manish called out to her, "Jiyasha, grandmother will be returning home tomorrow. Will you like to go to the hospital with me?"

Jiyasha nodded. "No, I will stay at home. I need to arrange my luggage today because I'll be leaving for India tomorrow after I meet grandma at home."

Manish, who was not expecting such an answer from her asked anticipatorily, "Will you really leave?"

"Yes, if that's what you heard, Manish."

"But Jiyasha.. I.. I'm seeing you so very changed since the last night. Why is that so? I thought you were thinking something about our relationship but..."

"No way Manish, how can you expect so much from me? I know we were getting close but now before it is accelerated, I don't want you to develop more feelings for me. You have to forget everything about me and consider it to be just a passing affair," Jiyasha remarked strictly though it stabbed her heart to speak out such harsh words to him.

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