Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Jatin was deeply hurt when he got to know that Monica had left her degree and the city to settle with her newlywed husband. It was only Pooja who could notice the pain in his eyes.

Jatin had the files of Monica in his hands and was on the verge of tearing them apart when he felt somebody's strong grip on his hands. "No brother, don't do it. Monica doesn't deserve this."

Samira was standing right in front of them pleading to her elder brother in a bothered voice. Guilty expressions had preoccupied her face and she folded her palms. "I am sorry brother but you are wrong this time. I know you haven't been able to forgive me and you will never keep any relation with me throughout your life but I will speak today. I will speak for Monica and her love, I will speak for Jiyasha and I will speak for my would be sister-in-law Pooja."

Samira snatched the files from Jatin's hands and placed them on the table neatly. Jatin's eyes were brimming with rage while Jiyasha and Pooja were standing quietly beside Samira.

"Brother, you have grown me up with all the pamper and love that a young sister needed but I was always the reckless one. I continued to betray your immense trust which you had upon me. You are angry on Monica for one stupid reason and that is because she became pregnant before marriage. I know I poured bitter things into your brain regarding Monica since the day Kabir had rejected me but this rejection had occupied me very badly. I had stooped so low in revenge that I couldn't even differentiate between what was right or what was wrong. I only wanted to extinguish the fire growing inside me but instead, my thoughts on revenge were provoking it more. Believe me brother, Monica is a great girl and that is the reason why she found a loving husband like Kabir and she won the battle against me. Why do you want to still remain the hurdle in her successful path?" Samira asked her brother with great expectations.

Jatin pushed his sister aside from him and spoke, "Have you come here to teach me how to treat Monica or others? Don't you think you need such treatment? I know I have lost it, I couldn't treat my sister properly. But I have lost more as a teacher today, I couldn't treat Monica in a better way than you. I am guilty of myself."

"No, Monica is far better than me. Please show your hatred towards me but don't hate Monica for whatever she has done. Even you like Pooja and these things happen in relationships," Samira continued.

"I am not insensible enough to cross my limits in a relationship but Monica has done it. She doesn't deserve my respect anymore." Jatin was still adamant.

Samira took a step backward. She shouted, "If that is so, then even I don't deserve your respect brother. I know I have already broken your trust but from today you will hate me more. I am preg...."

Jiyasha instantly caught hold of Samira's hands. "No Samira, don't do that otherwise you will lose your brother forever. Your father is already behind the bars and Jatin SIr will be left with nothing."

"Don't stop me today, Jiyasha. If I can't confess today, I will be guilty of myself forever." Samira pulled away and faced her brother again.
She continued, "I am also pregnant, pregnant before marriage and pregnant with Monty's child. Do you think your hatred for Monica is still apt?"

Jatin's eyes traversed Samira and then towards Jiyasha and Pooja. He squeezed Samira's shoulders tightly as he pulled her closer to him. He whispered in her ear, "Are you in your senses? Pooja and Jiyasha are standing right here and you are uttering such nonsense before them. Is this really true? Have you soiled the little respect that our family was surviving till now? Dad has already spoilt our dignity. Touchwood! Tell me the truth. Is this your new plan? You are supporting Monica and this is only very surprising."

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