Chapter Eleven - Healing

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        Everything went wrong. James bit Bella. James had torn Alison's head clean off as she tried to protect Bella. Edward was feeling nothing but guilt. He was too late to get to his sister and too late to stop Bella from being bitten. The rest of the Cullen's felt horrified when they saw Alison's body on the ground with Bella not far from her withering in pain as the venom spread through her body. Alice didn't see this coming, she didn't see Alison facing James alone and she didn't see her losing the fight either.

They made sure that they created a fire far away from her body knowing there might be some way to bring her back to them. They took pleasure in tearing James apart. They tore him apart for Bella and they tore him apart for Alison. Carlisle continued to glance at his youngest daughter feeling pain in his chest as he put pressure on Bella's leg to stop the bleeding. He would have never thought this would happen. He didn't think he would have to save Bella, have Edward suck the venom out of her system and look at Alison's lifeless body.

Eventually Bella had passed out from blood loss and pain. When she was stable enough to be moved he had no choice but to go with her and Edward to the hospital. Alice choked on a sob as she knelt besides Alison. Her eyes were still open, they were lifeless. None of them knew what to do. They knew that fire was the only way to kill a vampire and hoped that there was a chance that she might actually be able to come back.

Emmett knelt down as well grabbing her head putting it back with her body. Jasper tore his shirt and wrapped it around her neck to help keep everything together as it healed, they hoped it would heal. As gently as they could, Emmett and Jasper lifted Alison up while Alice raced to get a car. They placed her in the back seat before driving back to Forks as fast as possible. Alice drove with Jasper besides her. Emmett rode in the back with Alison making sure she was stable the entire drive back.

The car ride was painfully silent. Jasper kept his hand on Alice's leg as she drove. She had both hands on the wheel gripping it tight enough to almost break the wheel. Every now and then she let out a sob. She felt as if it were her fault, that it was her fault she didn't see Alison facing James alone. They should have payed closer attention to Bella instead of leaving Alison with all of the responsibility.

They made it back to Forks in record time. Esme came out of the house with Rose behind her. Neither of them knew what had happened and hoped it was nothing bad. However, seeing their grave faces, they knew it wasn't the case. Rose relaxed slightly when she saw her husband was fine but tensed again when she saw Emmett and Jasper pull someone from the car. Esme gasped covering her mouth seeing who it was.

"Oh my God" Esme said and Rose's eyes widened.

"Bella's in the hospital, she got bit" Alice whispered. "Edward was able to suck the venom out. Alison faced James alone. We just hope we're not too late" She said as the two men brought Alison inside the house. "Carlisle and Edward are with Bella"

"I can't believe this happened" Esme whispered. The women followed Emmett and Jasper inside the house. They laid Alison on the couch. They were all too scared to check and see if her neck was healing, afraid that it wasn't. Esme was the one who walked forward and slowly moved Jasper's shirt to the side. "Thank God" Esme said letting out a breath of relief. "It's healing" She said with a smile. Alice fell into Jasper's arms holding onto him tightly.

"Now we just have to wait until she wakes up" Emmett said. Nobody knew when she was going to wake up but they were just happy she was healing.

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