Chapter Fifty Three - Events

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        The whole house was tense, on edge. Everything was going well, finally everything was going their way. However, that all changed when Alice realized she couldn't see Bella's future and Bella claims she can feel something moving inside of her. No one thought it was possible, how could a vampire impregnate a human? Everyone did their research on the subject but could find nothing. There were no legends on this kind of situation.

"I think we should leave the wolves out of this" Alison suggested. "They might act too rashly, we need to find information on this first." She said. It hurt her to say she believed it was better for Embry not to come around here but this was bigger than them. This was new territory that could end dangerously if they're not careful.

"It's your choice, we'll support you either way" Esme said putting her hand on her back. Alison smiled leaning into her embrace. It was going to be hard not seeing Embry all the time but she needed to keep her distance until they knew more about this. She didn't want to put him in a hard place.

"Alison" Rose said coming into the room. "Can I talk to you?" She asked and Alison nodded standing up. The two of them walked out of the room.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Bella just called me" Rose said.

"What's happening? How is she?" Alison asked her.

"I don't know, I didn't ask" Rose said simply. "But she said that she's worried everyone is going to try and force her to get rid of the baby"

"We don't even know if it's a baby, Rose" Alison said.

"Shouldn't we consider it a baby until we know it's not?" Rose asked and Alison pressed her lips together. "Look, I just need to know if you're going to help give this baby a chance or if your going to try and get rid of it" She said and Alison thought about it.

"I'm not going to try and force Bella to get rid of it" She said and Rose nodded relaxing. "But may God have mercy on us if we're wrong and it's not a baby" Alison said.

"We're not wrong" Rose said confidently. Within a couple of days Bella and Edward returned. Bella looked like herself but it didn't last long. As the days past her health began to slowly decline.

"Is Bella going to be ok?" Bree asked sitting in her room with Alison.

"I don't know" Alison told her honestly. "But she's strong, if anyone can get through this, it's Bella" Alison told her comfortingly.

"Yea.. I guess you're right" Bree said with a small shrug.

"Just have some faith" Alison said with a small smile. Bree nodded before reading some more of her book. Alison had been spending more time with Bree at night, not that she was complaining, she liked the company. It was obvious that Alison was feeling withdraw from Embry, she saw him every now and then but not nearly as often as before. She would go visit him just enough to keep him away from the house, but it wouldn't be long before Embry would come by. Then he'd find out about Bella and who knows what would happen. Alison was keeping her distance for the safety of her family but that didn't mean she liked it.

"Alison" Rose said looking out the window. She walked over seeing Jake and Embry walking up to the house. Alison watched them silently before going downstairs to meet them at the door with Carlisle.

"Is it true?" Jake asked as soon as Carlisle opened the door.

"Hello, Jacob, how are you?" Carlisle questioned trying to avoid the question but be polite at the same time.

"Listen, just give it to me straight" Jake said and Carlisle looked at him.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella called out from up stairs.

"She's here?" Jake asked shocked.

"They came home two weeks ago" Carlisle told him. Jake pushed his way in going straight to her.

"Hey" Embry said squeezing his way through. Alison instantly smiled seeing him. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you" He said and she smiled sadly pulling away.

"I know, I'm sorry I've been distant" She said caressing his face. "I've missed you so much" She whispered and he put his head on hers. By now, he was used to her little phases of distance and didn't really think anything of it. He was just praying that this phase was over and she'd spend more time with him.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"Of course I do" She said instantly. "It's been complicated the last couple of weeks, but it's nothing you need to worry about" She said running her thumb across his lips lightly.

"As long as you don't leave me, I'll be fine" He said and she smiled.

"I'll never leave you, not in a million years" She whispered. He grinned happy with her answer and placed his lips on hers softly. She kissed him back, both of them getting lost instantly. The separation was making their time together now all the better, they couldn't get enough of one another.

"Jake, what's wrong?" Embry questioned seeing him speeding out of the house. "Alison, what's going on?" Embry asked but she just looked away but then Embry saw Jake's thoughts. "I've got to go" He said running after Jake.

"Embry" Alison said going after him but stopped once he disappeared in the woods with Jake. "Damn it" She muttered. This was not how she wanted things to go.

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