Chapter Fifty Eight - Labor

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        "So, that's the last of it?" Jake asked looking at Carlisle and Esme.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow, if she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood" Carlisle said putting the lid on the cup throwing away the last blood bag.

"And you need to feed, you have to be at your strongest for her, we need to go tonight" Esme said and Jake shook his head.

"Carlisle, you're the enemy now, Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered" Jake said not wanting him to go. He was Bella's only chance at surviving.

"Emmett will come with us" Esme suggested.

"That won't be enough" Jake said shaking his head.

"We have no choice, Jake, if there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try" Carlisle said.

"You'd risk your lives for her?" He asked slightly shocked.

"Of course we would, Bella's apart of our family now." Esme said without hesitating.

"Yea, I can see that" Jake said nodding. "This really is a family, as strong as the one I was born into." He said before coming up with a plan."I know what I have to do" Jake said before walking away. "Embry" He said getting his attention. "I need you, Seth and Leah" He said before leaving the house.

"What's going on?" He asked following Jake without a second thought.

"Do you trust me?" Jake asked.

"I hope you've got a plan" Embry said but still nodded. "But, yea, I trust you"

"Good and yea, I got a plan... kind of" He said with a shrug.

Alison watched Jake and Embry leave from the window. Before the two of them, joined by Seth and Leah, left, Embry looked up and at Alison. She didn't smile at him or anything. They held eye contact for a moment before he disappeared.

"Are you still mad at him?" Bree asked walking up to her looking out the window as well.

"Not as much as before" She told her. "He's been trying" She said giving him some credit.

"At least he came back to you before any fighting started" Bree pointed out. "Don't you think he's suffered enough? He left his mother for you and he looks absolutely miserable... and so do you to be honest" She said making Alison looked at her. "Maybe you should find a new way to punish him, if you want." She said shrugging. "Find something that only punishes him and not you, cause I can tell that avoiding him isn't only hurting him"

"Don't worry about me, what's been going on with you lately?" Alison asked her.

"What about me?" She asked quickly averting her gaze.

"You've been acting different" Alison said.

"A good different?" Bree asked glancing at Alison. Alison didn't answer right away.

"I don't know yet" She said looking out the window. "I hope it's not bad" She said looking back at Bree. "You know you can talk to me, right?" She questioned.

"Yea, of course" She said nodding. Alison gave her a small smile putting her hand on her arm. "Come on, lets go see Bella. She's with Rose." She said. With a nod, Alison followed Bree to the room Bella was in.

"He'll be alright" Edward said to Alison quietly. Even though she was overly annoyed with Embry, she was still worried about him. She didn't know what he and the others were doing but still. She gave him a small smile before sitting by the window looking out of it, waiting for them to return. She listened to Rose and Bree talk to Bella. It seemed like Edward was finally coming around to the idea of having a child, which made things easier on Bella.

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