Chapter Twelve - Waking Up

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        It's been weeks. Alison was still unconscious but her body has healed completely. The Cullen's had done everything they could for her, now it was just up to fate. They all did as much research as they could, trying to figure out if she had a chance at waking up but they couldn't find anything. Esme had forced the kids to go to Prom, they had been worried over Alison for so long but there was nothing they could do. She wanted them to get out of the house and enjoy themselves for a while.

On the other side of the territory, on the Quileute side, the wolves were doing their regular patrol. With the Cullens back in town, they had no choice but to phase into their animal forms. It started with Sam Uley but others joined. Now, the pack was up to four members. They knew about the treaty and knew they couldn't attack the Cullen's but they kept their eyes out for any other vampires that could come across their territory. Tonight, only two of them were on patrol allowing the other two to get some much needed sleep.

They ran together, both of them having a grey colored coat. They ran in silence lost in their own thoughts. However, as they came across the treaty line one of them slowed to a stop. He didn't understand why he had slowed but he felt as if he was drawn to the treaty line. He could see the Cullen's house from his spot and he looked over in curiosity.

"Embry, what're you doing man?" Paul asked stopping once he noticed he wasn't following. "You know we can't go over there" He said glaring in the direction of the Cullen's. "I don't even know why they made that treaty with them" He growled in annoyance. "It's only a matter of time before they hurt a human, then we'll be able to get them"

"Yea" Embry said not really paying any attention.

"Come on, we've only got another couple of hours, I'd rather not spend the rest of the time here" He said taking off. Embry was more hesitant but followed him slowly only picking up speed when the house was out of view.

A groan escaped her lips making everybody in the house freeze. They all gathered together in the living room as they waited in silence for another noise from the room down the hall. Hearing the sound of shuffling they all looked at each other nervously but smiling at the same time. They all wanted to go into the room but they also didn't want to overwhelm her.

"Carlisle, you go first" Esme said looking at him. They others agreed that he would be the best person to go and talk to her. He slowly nodded not arguing as he walked towards the room.

Inside, Alison had finally woken up. She looked around the room as if it were the first time seeing it. She frowned her eyebrows in confusion not understanding what was going on as she stood up when suddenly she was across the room. Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp wondering how she had gotten from there to here so quickly. Before anything else could happen the door opened and a man walked inside with a kind smile.

"It's good to see you're awake" He said with a smile, she didn't return it. "How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"What's going on?" She asked confused. "What's happening? Where am I?" She asked the questions coming out faster and faster as she became more panicked.

"Easy, easy, I'll explained everything" He said walking towards her cautiously. He didn't know what to say. From the looks of it she was experiencing memory loss. He figured that it would be normal after what happened. "What is the last thing you remember?" He asked slowly and she looked down to the ground trying to remember.

"I-I don't know" She said looking at him. The look on her face reminded him of a frightened child as she backed herself into a corner instantly turning invisible. "I don't remember anything, I don't know what's going on, what's happening to me!" She shouted. He couldn't see her but he could hear her.

"Jasper" He said calmly. In an instant the southern vampire was besides Carlisle. He couldn't see Alison but he could feel her emotions, it reminded him of the night he had first met her. He slowly used his ability to calm her down. He didn't want to calm her down to fast or else it would freak her out even more. After a few moments she turned visible again. She was still in the corner but was on the ground with her knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs.

"You're safe, ok, nobody is going to hurt you" Carlisle said slowly approaching her. She slowly lifted her gaze to look at him. He stopped a little bit in front of her crouching down on the ground. "I can explain everything to you if you just trust me" He said calmly.

"I'm scared" She whispered.

"I know you are, you have every right to be" He told her soothingly. "But maybe if I explain everything to you then it will take some of the fear away" He said and she thought about it. Carlisle didn't dare move knowing she needed to be the one to move first.

"Ok" Alison whispered making Carlisle smile at her kindly. He offered her a hand up and she took it.


I know I didn't explain it that well so if you didn't understand Embry is her mate and with him being close it woke her up. He made her feel safe and gave her a reason to wake up, subconsciously at least. That was what I was going for even though I didn't say it directly so I thought I should explain it a little bit better.

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