Chapter Fifty Nine - She's a Newborn

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I want to let you guys know that I put up a new chapter. This book is being written on a different website and transferred on here. I messed up on one of the chapters so Chapter 53 Events is new, that's the only one you would need to read if you need to read it at all. Everything else is the same, just a different chapter.


        "Embry, Embry.... Embry" Alison said grabbing his face forcing him to look at her. "Will you calm down, I'm fine" She said giving him a smile.

"I ought a kill him" Embry said and Alison smiled.

"I think Paul has learned his lesson to not fuck with us" She said rubbing her thumb over his cheek. "I love you" She whispered and he smiled pulling her into a kiss. She smiled leaning into him, kissing him back. After a few moments Embry had to pull away making her smile.

"I think that was a little over due" He muttered making her smile before pulling him into another kiss. In the next room over Alice and Rose were dressing Bella who was successfully going through the transition, they were just waiting for her to wake up as a newborn.

"Here, you didn't come in for lunch, I thought you might be hungry" Bree said bringing Leah a sandwich. The other wolves had come in but Leah refused so Bree went to her. Leah gave her a look before trying to ignore her. "You know, for a werewolf, you don't seem to eat much" She muttered, Leah continued to ignore her. "I'll just leave it here, I guess" She said setting it on a large stone before walking back into the house.

When she looked out the window after closing the door she noticed Leah grabbing the sandwich before eating it hungrily. Bree smiled to herself before slowly walking away from the door leaving Leah alone to her thoughts. Leah was struggling to understand this imprinting on Bree thing. She couldn't believe she was a lesbian or bi, she didn't know. She knew that with each passing day it was getting harder and harder to stay away from Bree. She yearned to just be around her, maybe even hold her.

However, at the same time she wanted to stay as far away from Bree as she could. She was a vampire, a creature she swore to hate and destroy. But that was the only flaw to her, if it was even considered a flaw, she wasn't even sure of that anymore. All she was sure about was that she plagued her mind. She was the first thing she thought about when she woke up and the last thing that raced through her mind when she fell asleep, more times than not, she was in her dreams as well.

"You really have her confused" Seth said making Bree look up from her book. He leaned against the wall looking at her.

"What?" She asked confused.

"My sister, Leah, you've got her really confused" He said.

"I still don't understand" She said making him grin wider. He could hear his sisters thoughts, they all could, and they thought Leah obsessing over Sam was annoying. Seth considered telling Bree what was going on, just to see how it would play out. Hopefully it would help his sister out in the long run, but at the same time he could just see Leah trying to kick his ass for even mentioning it. It was a risk, a risk he was probably was going to take.

"Do you know what imprinting is?" He asked and she set her book down knowing he most likely wasn't going anywhere for a while.

"I guess" She said with a shrug. "It's what happened with Embry and Alison, Jake and Renesmee" She said and Seth nodded.

"And now.. you and Leah" He said with a half smile. Bree raised her eyebrows at him.

"What?" She asked sitting up a little straighter.

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