Chapter Sixty - Confession

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        "I can't ask him to leave his mother" Alison said looking at Carlisle. "She's all he has and he's all she has" She said crossing her arms. Carlisle pressed his lips together before rubbing his face. He didn't want to separate the family again but Bella couldn't stay here. She could slip up and kill someone she loves. They needed to leave. "Carlisle, we both knew this day was coming" She said and Carlisle looked at her. "I can't keep moving around, not like before. Embry won't be able to keep up, not with his family, his life being here. We're going to want to start our own life eventually, we just won't be able to keep up with you guys anymore"

"You know you are always welcome in this family, the both of you" He said looking at her. "You are and you always will be a Cullen" He said giving her a smile. Alison smiled sadly and pulled him into a tight hug.

"At least this good bye isn't as dramatic" She said and he laughed hugging her tightly.

"This isn't goodbye" He told her. "We have forever to see each other again" He said kissing the top of her head in a fatherly way. Alison knew the family couldn't stay, she also knew that Rose and Emmett weren't going to be with her this time. Rose would want to be with Renesmee and Alison could never ask for her to leave the baby girl. It was time to be on her own with Embry, she had accepted it by now.

"Hey, are you alright?" Embry asked later that night. He was laying in bed half asleep with Alison in a chair near him reading but he could tell her mind was elsewhere. She had been quiet the entire day. Hearing his voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"What? Yea, I'm fine" Alison said putting the book down and walked towards him. He moved as she slipped into the bed. He tiredly nudged his head in the crook of her neck pulling her close to him. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent.

"Why don't I believe you?" He asked making her smile as she rubbed his back.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" She asked quietly. "It's really late" She said rubbing circles in his back. Within seconds he was fast asleep without a care in the world. She smiled listening to him snore ever so quietly. As she laid there she thought about her future. Her future with Embry.

She wanted to marry him, she knew she loved him with all of her heart. She'd wait a million years for him, it felt like she had. She thought about them living in their own house together. She didn't know if Bree would want to stay with them or stay with the Cullen's, it was completely her decision. Alison knew Embry would want to stay near his mother, to look after her. She had no problem living in Forks, she loved his mother, she was a sweetheart.

Alison would miss the family, she knew that without a doubt. Maybe she wasn't completely ready to leave them behind. She was already completely in love with Renesmee, she wanted to be in her life for as long as possible. Bella was a newborn which meant she was going to be a lot more fun then before. Now that things were settling down between the Cullen's and the pack, Embry could finally return home. If she needed to, she knew that they could stay here if the others left, but she hoped they didn't.

Alison looked down at Embry's head, as it slowly moved away from her neck and more onto her shoulder. His face was so innocent, tired but innocent. She loved him, they had been through so much over the year and 2 months they've been together. Alison played with his hair and he let out a sigh of content making her smile as he pulled her closer to him. She kissed the top of his head before slipping out of his arms. She needed to hunt, she had great control over her thirst around him and the other wolves along with Renesmee but only if she kept up on her thirst.

"Going on a hunt?" Bree asked meeting Alison outside.

"Yea, wanna come?" She asked and Bree nodded. Alison smiled before the two of them took off to hunt. Alison could tell something was on Bree's mind but she didn't say anything, not wanting to force Bree into anything. When they were done hunting, Alison waited for Bree to turn towards the house to head back, she never did. Alison waited for her to start, not rushing her.

"What's it like?" Bree asked looking at her. "To be imprinted on?" Alison wasn't expecting that question to be asked, it took her by surprise. She thought about it before answering.

"It's different. With finding vampires it's more subtle, kind of more like a human. You find your mate and you slowly fall in love, sure it's faster than humans do but still. However, with a wolf, it's sudden. You know right away that you're mates and the pull for each other is instant. It's strong and demanding. With Embry, it was... amazing. He was slow with me and he did everything on my terms. We had to work with it because of the difference, me being a vampire and him being a werewolf. I had to make sure I didn't hurt him and he had to make sure he didn't cross onto our territory, in the beginning at least" She added. "Why?" She asked and Bree bit her lip nervously.

"Well... I think Leah imprinted on me" She said shocking Alison yet again. The shock was clear on Alison's face making Bree even more nervous.

"Oh... well congratulations" She said her lips turning up into a smile.

"Thanks" Bree said with a smile. "But it's... it's complicated" She said.

"Why?" Alison questioned.

"She doesn't... seem to want to be around me" She said and Alison thought about it. "She's short with me and she ignores me, avoids me at all costs" She said looking down at the ground sadly.

"Bree, you need to understand that at one point Leah was in love with Sam" She said and Bree looked at her shocked. Alison nodded and continued. "Sam imprinted on Leah's cousin and it completely devastated her. She had to watch and listen to Sam's thoughts for a long time. So, you can understand the shock it came for her to imprint on you. Besides, it's not like she exactly likes vampires either so that just adds to things" She said and Bree nodded.

"But I've lost someone too, I've felt heart break" Bree said looking at Alison desperately. "I just... I want her to stop ignoring me, it hurts" She said and Alison quickly pulled her into a tight hug. "I feel like she doesn't like me" She whispered.

"That's not true, not true at all" Alison comforted rubbing her back. "She just needs time" She said.

"And what if I lose her like I lost Diego?" Bree said crying and holding onto Alison desperately. Alison's heart broke. Bree had been under all of this stress because of the imprint and she didn't deserve to be.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, it's alright" Alison whispered softly. "You're not going to lose her" She said confidently. "It's going to turn out just fine, I promise" She said pulling away enough to look at Bree. She smiled placing her hand on her cheek. "There are times when you're going to need to make the first move, this will probably be one of those times. If you make the first move then Leah will know where you stand and she won't be able to ignore you anymore" Alison said and Bree slowly nodded. "And trust me, you're not the only one feeling like this" She said. "I know for a fact that Leah isn't feeling any better. It's the imprint, it affects the both of you. You saw how Embry and I were when we were separated. The sooner you two get together the better off you'll both be" 

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