Chapter 3

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It had been a month trying to search for a job. I got a job as a waitress in a restaurant 10 minutes away from here. I had settled my things in his apartment.
As for my parents... well, my mom passed away when I was born and my dad died in a car accident a couple months later due to drunk driving. I told Yoongi about this one day. He was really struck with this news.

"Hey, let's go out for lunch today", he suggested while we were getting ready for work. He worked at a financing corporation, but was on a low post.
"Um, alright. Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah of course. We both get off early today, might as well go out".

We decided to go to a small diner down the street. It was called "La Dine In". It looked like a cheap place, but it still felt nice and grand.

I got dressed, wore my pink dress with white sandals. I did my hair nicely. Then I stopped.
This is not a date, don't over do anything.
I applied some light lip gloss and an eye liner. Soon, we both were ready.
We went downstairs, to his car, and he drove us to the place.
We sat on one of the tables near the windows. It was a typical small diner, with the counter on one side and a couple of seats in front of it, and some sofas aligned against the wall with tables.
"You look pretty", he complimented, as soon as we sat down. I blushed and thanked him.
"So what do you want to eat?" he asked.
"Oh, I'll just have a shake", I said.
"You're kidding, right? C'mon, pick anything. I got a raise on my pay check so I want to treat you", he beamed.
I really didn't want to take any more favours from him, but knowing him, he'd be pretty stubborn about it.
"Well then I'll take a burger and some fries, along with the shake", I said.
"Okay cool, I'll get the same meal", he said. He got up and went to the counter to get our meals.
I looked at his back. He was dressed in a green T-shirt and brown pants, paired with some black sneakers. He looked cute.
Trying to get over my ex has been challenging, but days spent with Yoongi makes it easier now. I try not to think about my ex anymore.
Yoongi and I have been getting to know each other. We're starting to become good friends. We have a lot of similarities in interests. We dislike most of the same things too. Especially people.

"I wonder what'd be like for both of our cheating exes to meet each other", he said one day.
"I think they deserve each other. They'll probably cheat on each other and end up leaving each other, thinking that each of them are equally hurt and deserve a better person. Twisted math", I said. We both laughed.
"You know, ever since my ex, I haven't let any girl get close to me. It's like, I just hate girls now. I've received proposals of course, I mean, look at me", with that he passed his gummy smile and flexed his nonexistent muscles. I broke into laughter.
"What? Why are you laughing?" He asked, suddenly serious.
"Oh yes Mr. Macho is in the house", I mocked him, still giggling.
"Hey I got the charm okay? I mean, why else would I receive all those proposals", he said.
I nodded my head, passing him a sarcastic smile.
"Okay, but on a serious note. You're the first girl in a long time I've let this close in proximity. It's all because of that one night when I saw you miserable, just like I had been one time". Silence fell in the room. We both looked at each other. I think he got lost in thought, because he kept looking straight, with blank eyes. I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Back to earth, Yoongi", I said.
"Sorry I have a tendency to zone out a lot", he said apologetically.
"It's alright", I replied and passed a smile.

"Here is your order, mi lady, would you like something else?" He said, serving me like a waiter.
I snapped out of that memory. "Yes please, I'd like for you to join me", I replied while giggling.
"Oh, but with great pleasure of course", he said coolly and sat in front of me.
If I think about how he was the day I met him and how he is now, there is a huge difference in the behaviour and attitude. A person who seemed rude, cold and distant at first, now emerging from his shell. I suddenly got this urge of wanting to protect his gummy smile forever. I quickly shook off that thought.
We had our meals, talked a lot, shared a lot of laughs. It was a wonderful evening spent with a friend I felt I had known for years.

Soon after we were done, we headed home and spent the rest of the evening watching TV and talking some more, then eventually we fell asleep on the couch.

There were nights where I couldn't sleep because of that day haunting me, and I'd wake up in the middle of the night and start sobbing. But Yoongi would always be there, hugging me, holding me, telling me "everything will be okay. Give it time", and without complaining we'd stay that way for hours till I could go back to sleep again. He was really caring.

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