Chapter 4

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Caution: This is where Jungkooks part starts. Forced intimate contact ahead.

"Hey, do you mind if I call over my old bud Jungkook?" He asked one day.
"No of course not", I replied.
"He is very eager to meet you ever since I told him about you. I'm sure you guys will get along well. He can be extremely flirty. You'll feel weird at first but eventually you'll get used to it. Don't take anything he says too seriously", he said.
Hmmm... Jungkook... strange name. I wonder what's he like.

Soon enough, I heard the door bell.
Yoongi went to the door and opened it. I stood up, and smoothed out my dress to remove any crinkles. A handsome man entered. He had black hair, wore a red, black and white striped sweater with black pants, and had a mole under his lower lip.

They both hugged each other as if reuniting after forever

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They both hugged each other as if reuniting after forever.
"Hey Jungkook!"
"Hey Yoongi!!"
"Missed you bud".
"Missed you too bud. It's been a while".
I saw a sad smile on Yoongi's face, but he quickly shrugged it off.
"Ahhhh, and who's this special lady?" Jungkook asked, looking at me with a playful smirk.


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Wait... why do I feel my heart beating? He is handsome after all... And that devilish smirk. Dammit. Stop it. He's Yoongi's friend.
"Jungkook, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Jungkook. I told you about her, remember? On call?"
"Ah yes of course I remember. Nice to finally meet you Y/N! Yoongi has told me a lot about you", he said, approaching me and then shaking my hand. He was giving a flirty smile the whole time.
We had some drinks and chatted away the day.
After we were done drinking, I took the drinks to the kitchen, while Yoongi stepped into the bathroom. I was washing the glasses, when suddenly a voice came from behind me.
I jumped, turned around and saw Jungkook.
"Oh, hey Jungkook. You startled me haha", I let out a nervous chuckle.
"Oh I'm sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you. It's just that, you're so pretty", he said.
"Um, ex-excuse me?" I said vexingly. What's gotten into him? Oh wait, Yoongi did tell me he is very flirty.
He stepped a bit closer, and I completely edged my back against the sink. I had no more room.
He stood real close to me and stared into my eyes, while putting my stray strand of hair behind my ear with his hand. His hand felt warm against my face. He bit his lip while smiling.

"Um, wh-what are you doing? Yoongi will come out any time soon," I said nervously

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"Um, wh-what are you doing? Yoongi will come out any time soon," I said nervously.
"Oh, you're worried about him? Don't worry, he knows I can't resist myself in front of such pretty girls", he said, and then started to lean in...
Eh!? Is he going to kiss me? Oh god what do I do... I should push him away! But he's so pretty... no, I can't just fall for someone's looks!
"Jungkook, please..."
"Shh, he doesn't have to know", he whispered into my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck, which made me weak. Such a fucking play boy.
"Jungkook n-", before I could finish my sentence, his lips were on mine, his tongue forcefully made its way into my mouth.
I pushed him away and looked at him in disbelief.
"I know you liked it ma Cherie. Don't tell Yoongi tho, you don't want him to think lowly of you right?" He said slyly. Just then, I heard the bathroom door click open. Yoongi came out.
"Oi! We're in here Yoongi!" Jungkook said, passing a fierce wink at me before looking away.

 "Oi! We're in here Yoongi!" Jungkook said, passing a fierce wink at me before looking away

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I was in shock. I didn't know how to react. I just passed a nervous smile at Yoongi and walked into the bathroom. Then I locked the door.
He... he kissed me. I can't believe it. I traced my lips with my fingers. I was about to tear up. I must act normal. I will think about telling Yoongi after Jungkook leaves. No but... Jungkook said Yoongi will think low of me... oh no. What do I do!? How dare he kiss me like that...
I washed my face, looked at myself in the mirror. Then I faked a smile and went out of the bathroom.
I couldn't look at Jungkook for the rest of the evening. From the corner of my eyes, I could see he was giving me stares full of lust. Yoongi never caught him looking at me like that. Soon it was time for him to go. We saw him off at the door. He hugged Yoongi, then he hugged me, his hand quickly tracing down till my butt.
I felt a chill run down my spine. Then, he left. Yoongi closed the door.
"That guy, seriously. I had missed him so much. He's a great buddy", Yoongi said with one of his gummy smiles. I don't want to see that smile disappear ever, so I must not tell him about today's events.
"What did you think of him, Y/N?" Yoongi asked suddenly. I froze. How do I answer that?
"Yeah. Lovely person", I said, forcing a smile. The event flashed in my head. I felt really disgusted with myself. I think my emotion was visible on my face. Yoongi asked if I was okay. I replied that I'm alright, reassuring him with one of my smiles.
But I was not alright, and Jungkook was not a lovely person.

Authors note:
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