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A/n-You are a powerful water Fae who has been travelling with Aelin and her group. You and Fenrys fall in love, but he is still bound to be loyal to Maeve. When you meet up with Maeve, she is trying to deal with Aelin and she orders Fenrys to kill you.

I'm sorry that this is so crappy!! I love Fenrys and he is literally my favourite character but I didn't have much inspiration so sorry in advance.

Warning: Described fight scenes

"Get away from her!" You shouted, when Aelin was whipped. Maeve gave you a death glare and spoke.
"I am getting sick of that Fae's voice." Maeve looked around at her soldiers and she spotted the one she was looking for. Fenrys hadn't been loyal at some points in his mission, and Maeve decided it was the perfect time to punish him. She knew Fenrys loved you from the way he acted around you and looked at you.
"Fenrys, kill her. She is distracting me."

Everyone was shocked and you looked at Fenrys' brown eyes. They were unreadable and you hoped he would be able to defy her. If he couldn't, you would fight until your last breath.
"Protect yourself, y/n." Aelin screamed at you as Fenrys began to make his way towards you.

You tried to make a stance so you could protect yourself with your magic, but another one of Maeve's Fae took out your feet from behind and you consequently fell to the floor. You tried to get back on your feet as quickly as you could but you were grabbed by Fenrys and dragged towards the sea. Struggling and wriggling around, you tried to get out of his hold but he just kept grabbing you roughly.

You got into the sea and he grabbed you by the throat and shoved you under the water. You didn't know if he hadn't really thought about the fact you were a water Fae or if he had done it on purpose, but you could just use your magic to move you water.

You concentrated and the sea water around you began to rise up until there was none left on your face. You opened your eyes now to look at Fenrys who's face was above yours and he was still holding your neck. He had a straight face and avoided your eye contact.

It didn't seem like he was going to let go of your throat anytime soon and you were losing oxygen quite fast. The water was still being held in the air by your magic, so you aimed and shot it into Fenrys' face. It gave him a shock so he immediately let go of your throat and stepped backwards. This gave you enough time to catch your breath and get back onto your feet. You could still here Aelin screaming in the background as she was tortured and the others shouting. Maeve watched you and Fenrys fighting but you didn't notice that at the time.

You made the water rise around you once again  as you got ready to aim again, and you looked directly at Fenrys.
"We don't have to do this." You said to him calmly. "I don't want to fight you."
"I have no choice! I can't stop it." Fenrys sighed angrily, you could see the hurt in his eyes. He looked at the bruise that was appearing on your neck and gulped.
"You can try," You pleaded. "Please. For me." You could see him trying to do what you asked and he stepped forward and kissed you.

You were confused for a second but then kissed back; this was him trying to defy Maeve. You could here her shouting in the background but you tried to ignore her. Fenrys pulled away and looked at you with worried eyes.
"Ignore her, I'll protect you." You said and it seemed to give him a bit of confidence. "I love you."

When he heard this, he turned around and smiled at you charmingly.
"I love you too." He seemed to be back to normal. Now it was time to go and give Maeve a taste of her own medicine.

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