•15~Arghun(Part 3)•

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A/n- Last part of this series!! ( I think??)

Part 3
It was the last days of your families trip to the southern continent, and you were expecting a deal for your alliance. Your parents and the Khagan and his wife had been negotiating for the past few days so when you were called into the room with them it was expected.

"Hello, you asked for me?" You walked into the room that was grandly decorated and you curtsied politely.
"Yes, darling. Please sit down." Your mother said as she gestured to the seat in the middle of the table. You sat down giving everyone a nervous smile.
"Y/n, we have agreed on an alliance between our two kingdoms. To seal this alliance, we decided to have a wedding." The Khagan explained and then your father continued.
"We couldn't consider Hadrian, because he will be King one day and all of the Kaghan's  children could be the Khagan one day, so they can't move from the southern continent." You nodded, suddenly realising what was really going on.
"So that left you, and we decided that Arghun would be the best choice for your husband. He is powerful and loyal, and we already know you get along with him." You knew this would probably happen but your eyes still watered now. You nodded slowly as they all waited patiently for your response.
"Ok," You gulped. "and what happens now? Will I have to stay here?" Just the thought made you want to cry. Yes, you were beginning to develop a crush on Arghun, but that didn't mean you wanted to move away from your home.
"Y/n I'm sorry but you'll have to stay here." Your mother broke the news to you and tears began to stream down your face.
"The king and I will go and tell Arghun what is going on." The Khagan said and they left the room. Your mother ran over to hug you and the grand empress came over to hug you as well.
"I can't leave my people, what about the war? There is too much going on." You chocked on tears now, trying to get your words out.
"Shhh, child." Your mother said as she stroked your hair.
"Don't worry, Y/n. I will make sure you are always treated well. I know my son will always care for you and you will both be able to visit the northern continent from time to time." The great empress explained, squeezing your hand to try and comfort you.
"Come on, darling. You'll need to see your new fiancé soon." Your mother said trying to make you feel better but this just made you cry all over again.

Arghun had just returned from a meeting in the city when he was approached by the two kings.
"Father, your majesty." He said, bowing respectfully. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, I have come to tell you will be married, to help forge an alliance between our two nations." His father explained.
"Wait, I am to be married? To Y/n?" His father nodded, patting his son on the back. Suddenly, Arghun was hit with the urge to see you. He wanted nothing more than to greet you as his fiancé. "Where is she?"
"In the dining room on the 2nd floor." Arghun didn't even wait to hear the end of his father's sentence before he began running along the corridor towards you.

Once he got to the room, he just bursted through the doors and was shocked at the scene before him. He saw you with tear stained cheeks, being comforted by your mother and his mother. A million worries went through his head, did you not want to marry him?
"We will leave you both to talk." Your mother said and she led the empress out of the room with her.

You wiped your cheeks and gave Arghun a weak smile as he came and sat beside you. There was a moment of silence before he began to speak.
"Do you not want to marry me?" His expression was blank. That was the only thing that annoyed you about Arghun; he was so cold and calculated that you could often not read his expressions.
"That's not why I am upset, do not worry." You touched his hand and he flinched slightly. "I want to marry you. It's just I have to leave my home behind." As you said those words, new tears formed in your eyes.

You thought of your life you would we leaving behind. Even the simplest things like waking up on a cold morning and being able to look from your window to the busy city below. You could look beyond that to your beautiful kingdom full off your people. That would only be a memory now.

You put your head in your hands and began to ball your eyes out all, while Arghun sat there not knowing what to do. He wrapped his arms around you awkwardly.
"I'm sure you will grow to love this place. I promise to make it feel like home to you." You looked up at him and grinned through your tears.
"You can be sweet sometimes, you know. When you're not trying to get reactions out of people." He blushed, but you didn't really notice since you were wiping the tears from your eyes. "I know i have to marry someone, and i rather marry you then anyone else." You grinned at him.

You took his hand in yours and you both stood up to leave the room with him.

2 weeks later...

The servants styled your hair so it was curly and then braided the top half into a crown. A veil was then placed on the top of your head and some little flowers that were native to the southern continent were placed in your hair. Your makeup was then done while your mother was stressing out behind you.
"Oh, where is the bouquet? Is everything ready in the main hall? Oh my word, you have to be at the chapel soon!"
"Mother, calm down. There is still loads of time to get ready." You giggled at her and she gave you a sheepish smile.

You wore a large white ball gown, which was traditional in your home land and the servants helped tighten the corset.
"It's a little too tight." You wheezed as the servants tried to get the corset right. You couldn't help but smile that it was your wedding day, though your nerves were still there.

For the past two weeks, you had spent nearly every moment with Arghun which made you more excited for your marriage. Though, you had been supervised nearly the whole time so you hadn't even kissed him. Still, you hugged your mother tightly as Arghun's mother came into the room to tell you that it was time.
"You can do this." Your mother states plainly. "You are the strongest person I know, and remember that your family always has your back." You smiled at her when she suddenly gave you a smug smile and added, "I know Arghun will always have your back too, so hurry up."

You laughed at her and followed the great empress out the door. Your father was at the door of the chapel and he gave you a kind smile when he saw you walking towards him.
"You look beautiful, we're so proud of you." He said.
"Thankyou, father." You linked arms with him and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

The guards opened the door and the musicians began the play there march as you walked down the isle, followed by your bridesmaids.

You looked slyly through your veil at Arghun. He was in awe as he saw you walked down the isle. He already thought you were beautiful but he was still surprised that in ten minutes you would be his wife. Wife. That was still insane to him. You let go of your father's arm and walked up to him on the altar.

Arghun was actually really nervous, so much so that you could see his hands shaking. You took them in your own as the priest began the ceremony. He looked up at you and you gave him a reassuring smile through the veil. Now smiling, he seemed more at ease.

After you had made your vows, the ceremony was at the end.
"You May now kiss the bride." As soon as this was said, Arghun lifted up your veil and gave you a sweet kiss as the crowds cheered and whooped. You pulled away and grabbed his hand. You were shaking with excitement as you left the church hand in hand to go to the carriage outside.

You looked up at Arghun as you were leaving the church and he looked at you smiling brightly. You knew you had found your soulmate.


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