•14~Arghun(part 2)•

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A/n- Just the second part of the other imagine about Arghun. Didn't mention this but you have Earth magic.

Part 2
Arghun was curious about you. That was the main reason he agreed to go on the walk with you, even though his mother thought it was because he had the same intension as her, to get the two of you married. He just wanted to find out information about you, since he is the "prince of spies" as many called him.

He already knew a lot about you, even some of your deepest secrets, one being how you had your first kiss with Kharis Ytger when you were 12 and visited Eyllwe for the first time. However, there were some gaps in his knowledge. Apparently, you were kind and trusting, so people thought you were naive. But he knew you must be clever, because you some how formed an alliance with Queen Aelin and her people.

"So, I here you are quite the politician." You tried to strike a conversation and Arghun was snapped from his trance. He knew he had to gain your trust to find out anything from you.
"Yes, I oversee my father's thirty six viziers at the moment." He says bluntly. "And I hear you are a warrior?" You nodded.
"More with a bow and arrow than a sword, but yes. With the threat from Erawan, we need to be ready." He looked down at you, but your head was still forward.
"Do you think Erawan will attack soon?"
"Probably not, his biggest threat is Aelin. He will wait til after winter to attack them because even though he isn't human, some of his army are."
"But aren't you allied with Aelin?" He asked, seeming slightly desperate for answers. He coughed awkwardly.
"So your spies are good." You looked up at him and laughed a little bit. Arghun smirked at you. He had to admit, you were quite beautiful, like his mother had said.
"But yes, we do have an alliance with Aelin. But we are discussing that with her when we get back home." You frowned slightly when you talked about your home.
"Are you worried about going home?"
"You're very blunt aren't you," You giggled a little. "I guess I am a bit worried, more so because once I'm home, I know nothing will be the same. We're all going to have to work together to overcome this threat."
"You're a lot more wise than I thought you would be." Arghun stated.
"What? Did your spies tell you I was naive or something?" You smirked at the dumbfounded look on his face. You let go of his arm and began to walk away.
"I'll see you later." With that, you walked back to your room.

Arghun realised at that moment that his spies were going to have to be more careful.

"Where have you been?" Hadrian pestered you as soon as you entered the corridor.
"Just walking through the gardens with Arghun." You answered hoping neither of your brothers said anything more about it.
"Ooo, is he your new boyfriend?" Althalos teased. And to think that he was meant to be 17, more like 7.
"Oh, Althalos! You're so childish sometimes." You groaned. Hadrian nodded in agreement.
"Anyway, Y/n's only doing it for the alliance. We need this, you should probably be thanking her." Hadrian said, without even looking up from the book he was reading. This shut your younger brother up and you smiled smugly at him before entering your quarters to go to bed.

The sound of hooves on cobblestone filled the busy street as the inhabitants of the city went silent. The famed royals from the north rode along the streets with the Khagan, Sartaq and Arghun. They were all surrounded by guards as they were on a sort of tour.

You were wearing clothes for riding that had been made specially for the heat, since all your riding clothes would have been to hot. Your hair was braided over your head, which was traditional for women from your country. The people of the city watched from the sides in awe, as many had never been to the northern continent. You looked in awe at the amazing architecture around you and you didn't notice Sartaq move next to you until he began to speak.
"Y/n, I see you are admiring the buildings. They were built almost 200 years ago, and yet they still stand tall. I can tell you a bit about them, if you want." You turned and gave him a sweet smile.
"Of course, they're so different to the ones I see back home. Please, do you tell me more." You said and so you and Sartaq chatted while you rode through the city.

Arghun watched from nearby as you chatted with his younger brother and felt slightly jealous. He scolded himself but couldn't seem to keep his eyes away from you. He realised how blunt he had been with you yesterday and wished he could redo the conversations you had yesterday. Arghun didn't really have a way with words like Sartaq did. Sartaq seemed to be able to flirt with anyone and they would fall in love with him. Arghun felt like he had never really been in love, the only lovers he had had were paid for or only wanted him for his status.

He tried to build up the courage to go over to you even when Sartaq moved but you were all stopped.
"Princess Y/n!" A young girl, maybe about 9, called your name from the crowd. She held out a bouquet of flowers and you steered your horse beside her. "I'm Juliana and my grandparents were from your kingdom too but I have never been there." You took the flowers from her.
"Thankyou Juliana, I hope one day you will get to go there." Your guards then hurried you along and you waved back at the young girl.

Sartaq was now talking with his father and Arghun took his opportunity to ride over to you. You grinned at him as you saw him come over.
"Look at these flowers that the young girl gave me." You said, not even letting him begin the conversation and shoving the flowers in his face. You made him laugh; you weren't as formal as the other princesses he had met in his lifetime. Many needed to be overly respectful to get an alliance, but your kingdom wasn't desperate for an alliance.
"Very nice," He said, as he sneezed and you immediately pulled them away.
"Oh sorry, do you have hay fever?" You asked him, reaching his face and wiping some of the left over pollen from it. He stiffened when you touched him at first, but then he seemed to relax.
"No, but when you shove a bouquet in my face, it's hard not to sneeze." He laughed.
"Sorry." You smiled sheepishly.

The group arrived back at the palace and the servants took the horses back to the stables. All the nobles went inside for lunch.

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