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Carter's POV

"What's going on?"

"Athena needs someone to be with her right now. She's crying and I... I hurt her feelings. I know this doesn't sound right but I'm going after Claire. She's in Dubai with Izzy. I have to get her before I'll lose my chance with her." Zion answered.

"And you're leaving Athena? That's too harsh man, she doesn't deserve this." I tried to calm my voice but deep inside, I was raging with anger. 

"I know, but I would hurt her more if I'd stay. Trust me, it's for the best, for me and for her. I want her to be happy, and she won't be happy with me. She deserves someone who will love her wholeheartedly."

He was right, but he shouldn't have started anything with her. He'd given her hope that he could love and cherish her in return. He made her believe that they would be together and live happily ever after. And now, he just broke her heart. That was too unfair on her part. Every bit of her heart was shattered. 

"She loves you." I answered. 

The truth left a sting in my chest. But I learned to ignore my feelings for her, like injecting an overdose of anesthesia to make it numb. Her happiness counted more... and her happiness was to be with Zion.

"I love her too... but not the same as my love for Claire. It's hard to explain man. Just like what you've been telling me all about, the love virus hit me hard on Claire. She's in my bloodstream and no drug could ever take that away." 

"You're over melodramatic." And poetic. But still he acted so wrongly. 

"Please understand me man, I'm in a situation between life and death right now. For my sanity, I have to fix my life."

"Seems like the old Zion is back."

He chuckled, the excitement was very evident in his voice. "I just can't help it. I can't wait to see Claire. I know it's not gonna be easy but I'll do everything to win her back."

"Goodluck to that. Okay, I'm going to see Athena now."

"Thanks man."


Within twenty minutes, I arrived in Zion's mansion. I found Athena in the theatre room sitting stiffly on a black leather armchair.  She was alone and watching an episode of Riverdale. I doubt if she was really watching it or just staring blankly at the huge monitor. 

I lost hold of the door and it banged closing loudly. Dammit. I saw her flinched at the crashing sound. It ruined her moment of sadness and recuperating from her pain. 

"Sorry." I said in my very apologetic voice and entered the room. 

My heart melted when I saw her face clearly. Her eyelids were swollen from crying, her lips plump like ripe cherries, her hair was a bit disarrayed and tears glistened on her cheeks. She looked miserable and sad.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She cleared her throat and wiped her cheeks. "I'll be okay. I just need to cry this off now and I'll be hundred percent okay tomorrow. Did Zion send you here?"

"Yeah, he called me to rescue the bleeding princess."

She snorted and clasped her arms together. "That's not funny, Carter."

"I don't mean it as a joke." I answered and settled next to her seat. 

"I don't need rescuing, I can manage my own." Her gaze was clouded with tears. 

"Don't worry, I won't rescue you. I'm here to annoy you."

She laughed a little then suddenly wept aloud, rocking back and forth. "You shouldn't have come. I don't want you to see me like this."

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