C H A P T E R 11

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"Hun, we're here." Emmaline, Mrs. Ryan, gently woke me up from my sleep.

My neck was sore from the awkward sleeping position in the car. Sluggishly getting out, I stood in awe of the vast tall trees that surrounded us and the night view of the town below. Stretching, I could feel and hear my bones popping.

"Ooomph." My backside hit the ground as an ecstatic and giggling Macey jumped up on me. Laughing, I said, "Mace, I think you broke something."

"Some things never change." Snorting, she pulled me off the dirt road and engulfed me in a hug. "I miss you, Myarrah." Hearing the nickname she used to tease me when we were young was nostalgic.

"Missed you lots, Mace," relaxing into the embrace, I rested my head on her chest.

"Thank you for recovering," she said. "I would have loved to be there when you regained consciousness. I know Mason would have liked that too."

From the first moment I woke, Macey's been the warmest and most enthusiastic welcome I have received.

"I know." I gently patted her back. "Thank you." She could not know how much that made me happy to know there were people who wanted me back.

"Girls, let's take this reunion inside." A grinning Lex, Mr. Ryan, said. He looked so tired from the travel.

"Thanks for taking me here," I told the Ryans. They nodded and smiled at me in welcome.

Macey gladly hooked an arm around my shoulders and lead us in the rustic duplex she's been living in when she came to the Redwoods territory.

Why was that though?

The morning she called asking me to come, I instantly grabbed the chance. Informing my parents about the trip, they couldn't stop me from going but they told me to be extra careful. That was what they got for leaving me alone.

As a sign of respect for Alpha Milos and since I was under watch, I told him of my plans. He was reluctant to have me leave the pack grounds because Cyrus and Edmund couldn't afford to miss the gathering in two days. Though their mates weren't in the Fallen Moon pack, they might be members of the Nightshade pack who will arrive a day before the gathering. Then, there was Kai. She was still catatonic after I told her where I intended to go. There was no one to guard me outside the pack.

The trip was almost canceled but thank goodness, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan volunteered to take me and watch me for two weeks away from home. This was a long-needed vacation from his duties and a way to spend quality time with his wife. It was a plus that they get to see their daughter. It was a win-win situation.

There would be no Sid and no Kai around to police my every move.

I was free of them at last!

A carefree vacation but my friend was hiding something from me. I've known her long enough so I could tell. She left our pack to be with her mate however, there was no one with her when she greeted us.

Where is she, Mace?

I wanted to pry but I didn't. Curled in her arms, I slept beside Macey. I needed the reassurance and so did she. Wolf hearing or not, I could hear her trying to muffle her cries.

. . .

"Rise and shine, you sleepyhead!" She tickled me awake.

"I swear if you don't stop, I'll empty my bladder on your bed." The threat did it.

"Ewww, that's gross!" She pulled me off and pushed me inside the bathroom.

"You go in first." She threw my towel to me. "Hot water is limited so save me some!" She closed the door.

The Redwoods pack grounds situated in the mountains although their territory encompasses the town below. They opted to reside in the highlands away from humans to be more at peace and one with their wolves – away from humans. All members of their packs are purebloods – not 'diluted' by weaker species.

I hope that that was as far as their upholding beliefs go. I hope their minds were not that closed off.

Dried myself off and wore my patch, I exited the bathroom clad in a bathrobe. "Mace, it's your turn. Be glad I saved you some hot water even when you forgot to warn me how freezing the water was!"

We have an early guest and a not very welcoming one at that. An attractive woman was glaring at me. She got shoulder-length brunette hair and a cute face.

"Hi, I'm Arrah." I offered her my hand for a shake but she ignored it.

"Bea, the Alpha's daughter," she introduced herself.

Yep, she threw that last bit in as a warning.

I was starting to think that my very existence was offending because I wasn't even here for a day but I've managed to ruffle the Redwood Alpha's daughter feathers–or, rather fur.

"And I'm Macey's best friend," I added for good measure.

"You could take her to the ceremony tonight. Anyone you'd like." She dismissed me and resumed talking to Macey then left without as much as a simple bye.

We stood there in silence and I was afraid my friend was gone. "Anytime you're ready, Mace. You can tell me anytime."

I retrieved my trolley and looked for something to wear.

"I met her before the gathering back in our territory. I stormed the pack mansion trying to locate Kai – kick her ass and drag her to the hospital to see you. A purpose that I forgot the moment I saw her."

I took my clothes back on the bed and sat.

"I can recall wanting to shift and lay on the ground exposing my belly to her. Crazy, right?" she asked.

I shook my head no. It was a show of love. A wolf down, on her back and belly exposed, was a vulnerable wolf. However, she trusted her mate not to hurt her.

"At the top of my lungs, I claimed her in front of her pack mates and our Alpha. However, she denied me. Her elders asked her if I was her mate, and she said no."

I took hold of her shaking hands. Though I couldn't see her mating marks, I knew it was there. It must be burning her.

"But you know how strong-willed I was. I upped and left with her when their pack returned here. I worked to have a new life with her; I enrolled in her school and wooed her every day. I love her you know and it not just because the fates gave her to me but because I have known her too. I chose her but she didn't choose me." The storm in her eyes rained on her cheeks. "She didn't choose me, us."

I wish I could lie and tell her it will be ok. Those better days were coming but I couldn't. The rejection was an open wound aggravated by the salt of the continuing denial by the person meant to love her unconditionally.

It never scars because it never heals.

"I promised myself I'd stay. As long as she doesn't chase me away, I will stay." The crying intensified. I moved up and wiped her tears. "Today she did."

Macey, my sun, was setting. There was nothing for me to say to make her be okay. Whoever that woman was, I hope she gets her senses back and not sentence Macey to an incomplete life of loneliness.

It was one thing to be unable to find your mate and an entirely different story altogether if you found your mate and she turned you away.

Fuck, I hope it isn't who I think it is!

I asked, "Bea's ceremony tonight?"

The look of utter brokenness on Macey's face made me curse. "My mate has just personally invited us to 'her mating ceremony'."

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