C H A P T E R 39

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Without further words thrown, I stomped my way out of the training room and jumped inside a shower to cool off. I'd face them after I had calmed down a little. Subjecting my heated body under the cold-water shower, I began to scrub furiously.

Guess cold showers don't work any better...

Releasing a drawn-out sigh. "Maybe I should just go home and see Nadia for a bit. It might help settle me."

Even Eleonor and Lawrence didn't know how to react to their daughter's return. To me, it didn't feel like Arrah had gone home considering it was Búlan everyone's been interacting with. I kept praying she returned to herself.

But what if she doesn't?

What if she stays as Búlan permanently?

What becomes of Nadia and me?

Five days here and still, Nadia hasn't met her mother. It felt so wrong to have Búlan hold her in Arrah's arms. It wouldn't be the same if it isn't my mate. Lately, Nadia has been crying increasingly as if sensing Arrah and wanting to be held by her. It was a challenge to keep it together when her puffy cheeks would go red and be wet with tears. Her little lungs working harder as she cried and cried.

Another precious girl in my own family I couldn't do right by.

In her stay in our territory, Búlan lived in our home. I made her sleep in the master's bedroom as I stayed with Nadia in her room. Sid was with us too but I'd be damned before I let her stay in the same room with Búlan.

I talked to her on the very first day and laid the ground rules. No matter the soul, it is still my mate's body, and under no circumstances should she take the liberty to—she promised she wouldn't and I took her on that.

"Her word must account for something, right? She wouldn't try to seduce her Búlan while she's still in Arrah's body..." I murmured. Having been done with my shower, I toweled myself dry and got out after tying another towel around my hips.

"I gave my word, wolf," a voice said.

It was Sid. I found her sitting on the bench in the locker room. I looked around to see if Búlan was in here too. "She's talking to your brother outside."

I opened my locker and got dressed. It was dead air before Sid again spoke. "Be glad my Búlan's somewhat indebted to your little mate or I'll skin your hide before Arrah ever comes to. Do not turn your back on us when the moon goddess is before you. Pay her the respect she is owed."

Stuck up!

"As you say..." I said. I won't pick a fight over her god complex. Dressed, I began drying my short hair. Yesterday, I cut my shoulder-length hair off and sported an edgy shorter one. Less work and easier to manage while I took care of Nadia. "How come Arrah's still not coming back? Is your woman planning on taking over her body?"

"As if a perishable form is up to par with immortals like us..." she sniggered. " We'd be happily out of your hairs and leave this chaos ridden land once the Bakunawa has released my beloved."

So much for being powerful. She can't even make that beast do as she will.

"I guess some things are impossible even for someone like you. That's a little disheartening, goddess," I countered.

"Mockery would get you to places. For one, I could save a good spot for you in the underworld and send you there as we speak."

"Wow, a deadly sense of humor. Pun intended," I refused to show any weakness and continued to mess around the goddess of death. "I guess I'll take back what I said?"

"Would you rather I cut your mate into pieces until the Bakunawa revealed its true form and leave her body? Because that could be arranged." Her closed hand was raised and suddenly black feathers appeared and took the shape of her unusual looking long sword. She swung as if cutting through something. "Very well then, shall I?"

I always thought that the 'gods must be crazy' idea was funny but seeing Sid flinging the sword around unsettled me. "You must really be out of your fucking mind!" I exclaimed.

"I'd personally see Arrah to the afterlife and tell her that the hacking she'd taken was her brilliant mate's fault."

"Fuck you!" I moved to take the sword from her but she teleported and was gone in a blink.


She's shitting me alright. There's no way she'd do something like that.

Then I heard a loud commotion outside. Roars and warning growls. I was moved into motion and started running outside.

"A screw loose in the head goddess!"

I found them outside the pack mansion. The growling was from Cyrus and Edmund, who had shifted. Milos was down on the ground clutching his arm. There were other pack members who stood watching things unfold as Sid had the tip of her sword pointing at Búlan's throat.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed at her. She didn't put her weapon down but instead moved a step towards the moon goddess. "You'd hurt your woman too!"

"I've grown weary waiting. Búlan, please bear it. I will be swift and it would be over before you knew it," Sid said.

I ran the remaining distance as she moved her weapon up to strike.

"If you're given another chance to be born again, I'd speak on your behalf so the fates could show a little favor. My apologies, Arrah."

I stopped her just in time by running into her. Sid was about to fall when she vanished and appeared standing but her sword gone. Claws out in half shift, I took position in front of Búlan.

Looking past me, she spoke, "Don't lump me with the likes of this imbecile who can't tell that it's her own mate. I knew it's you since this morning, kid. Let us stop the games."


"Don't you think this game has been a little taxing, Arrah?"

She's awake!

Slowly turning, I found her eyes on me. Unsure of herself, her lips morphed into the tiniest smile. "Kai..."

My name fell from her lips and it's as if I could feel again. Not caring about anyone else, I took my mate's hand and we started walking away from them.

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