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5| First Day, New School

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I sighed before giving up and typing my hair up into a ponytail. Walking into my room, I glanced around because I was half expecting Loki to show up somewhere but I hadn't seen him since last night.

Did I frighten him away?

I grabbed my laptop bag with all the school supplies I assumed I would need before moving out of my room. My father was in the kitchen, making me breakfast but I still hadn't seen Loki.
A part of me when him to be here to see him off to school, another part of me wanted him to come with me.

I smiled at dad before grabbing my frozen water bottle out of the freezer. "Hey dad, can I ask you something?" I asked, watching him.

"Yeah of course darl" he replied, glancing at me.

"Did mum ever believe in ghosts? Like that witchy stuff?" I asked, sitting on a stool.

Dad looked at me confused. "What brought all this up?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, just a dream I had" I lied.

"Well she did believe in ghosts, in fact she told me when she was about your age now, she used to have a friend that was a ghost" he replied, handing me a plate of toast and eggs.

"Really?" I asked, interested.

"Yeah, always used to get her in trouble" he replied.

I smiled at the thought og havig something in common with my mother. "Which we reminds me, you gotta hurry up and eat or you'll be late on your first day" Dad said, taking a long drink from his coffee cup.

I saw movment from the corner of my eye and glanced to see Loki walk into the room. Since last night, something had changed. We were developing a friendship and I couldn't help but smile. He was infectious, I couldn't believe someone had wanted to hurt him.

Dad stood up. "C'mon kiddo" he said, grabbing his car keys.

I barely eaten. "I'll meet you in the car, I'm just going to put this in a container and eat it on the way" I said.

Dad nodded before walking out.

Loki moved past him, letting him past before reaching the kitchen bench. "So first day of school" he said as I reached up to grab a container.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Nervous?" He asked, crossing his arms.

His dark hair fell in his eyes and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from moving to brush it away. "Sorta, it's a new school and I'll be the new kid but it's a fun new adventure" I replied, putting my plate in the sink.

Loki was silent for a moment. "Reena, I wanted to give you this" he said, holding something in his hands.

I looked down at his hands and saw a lovely necklace. A red jewel sat crowned by gold on a small pendant. "How are you holding that?" I asked confused.

"I died with it" he replied stiffly.

I stepped forward, lifting my hair. His fingertips brushed across the top of my shoulder blades as he put the necklace on. As soon as he pulled away, I felt the heaviness of the light chain. "Thank you" I said, touching the gem and looking at him.

He swallowed, hard. "Don't worry about it, have a good day" he said, before turning away.

I frowned as he disapprared. Shaking it off, I cast one last look around before making my way to dad's car.

The drive to the high school was short, the lonely stretch of highway that seperated our house from the town, seemed particularly long as I kept thinking about Loki.
Who had killed such a nice young man?

He had been in love, fought a war, and he died all for nothing. I just couldn't understand it. My father pulled me out of my thoughts as we reached the town. It bustled with activity and I watched as high schoolers pulled up in their expensive cars. I gulped.

"Is this a rich kid school?" I asked dad, glancing at him.

He shook his head. "Nope, just a public school" he replied, parking the car.

I took the strap of my bag and held it tightly. "I'll be here end of school to pick you up; got everything?" He asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Probably should've asked me that before we drove all the way here, but no I haven't forgotten anything" I replied, opening the car door.

"Reena" his voice stopped me.

I hopped out but turned my head to look at him. "Your mother would be proud" he said with a sad smile.

I smiled. "I know" I replied.

I closed the door to his car and shouldered my bag strap. With a honk, he drive away.
Students started to stare as I walked up the brick steps towards the High School's front doors.
My hand touched my new necklace out of reaction to nerves.

"Hey, do you know where the Principal's office is?" I asked a random girl.

She shot me a glare before storming off. Lovely.

"You must be new" a female voice said, before an arm looped around my shoulders.

"The name is Jenkins, Aria Jenkins" a beautiful blonde said, smiling at me.

"Hi, Reena Styron" I replied.

She looked at my outfit of a summer dress. "I love the print, so 80's" she said before giggling.

"Sorry, I'm in a bit of  a rush, could you tell me where the Principal's office is?" I asked, frowning.

Aria turned my head to a door that almost seemed hidden in the wall. "Beware, he's a crackpot old fool" she said before skipping away.

What a weird soul.

I moved towards the door and knocked lightly. "Enter" a voice barked.

Turning the door knob, I opened the door amd almost fell inside. "What is it? Hurry up" he said sternly.

"Uh sorry, I'm a new student" I said, pulling my folder out of my bag.

The beak nosed Principal didn't even look up from his paperwork. He picked up my timetable, almsot shoving it into my hands. "There's your timetable, thank you for joining our school.. blah blah blah, just don't screw it up" he finished.

I didn't move, insire if our converstaion was finished or not. He looked up. "Don't you have classes to get to?" He asked me, making me scatter.


Aww I wonder why Loki seems to be closing off from Reena. :(
We love Loki.

More to come..

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxox
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