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18| Ghost of Me

I turned the steak over and looked up as I heard the front door open.

"Hey dad" I said, before looking back down at the steak in the pan.

"Hey" he replied.

I frowned before glancing up at him. "Can we talk about your behaviour today?" My father asked, putting his keys down and walking over to me.

I turned off the stove and sighed. "Sure" I replied, already probably knowing what he was going to say.

"You were very abrupt and rude to the Mayor, a person who has helped me find a job and helped us settle in.." he trailed off.

I studied my father's tired expression. "I just want to know why you're acting so different, I know the move was hard, moving away from the memories and having to start again, I know it's hard, I get it!" He exclaimed.

I bit my trembling lip. "I just wanted a fresh start for us" Dad said, before running a hand through his salt and peppered hair.

"I know" I replied.

"Than why? Why are you making this so difficult?" he asked, as tears threatened my eyes.

I blinked and they fell upon my cheeks. A sob got caught in my throat. "I miss Mum" I replied before more tears fell.

Starting to cry, I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand before my father moved towards me and pulled me into a hug. "I know, me too" he replied, his voice also clogged.

I hugged my father until we both stopped crying and then he pulled back and wiped the streak marks from my cheeks. "Everyday you become more and more like your mother, I know you miss her, I miss her so much but I know we can do this" he said, seriously.

I nodded and sniffled. "I'm going to have a shower and then we can eat, okay?" Dad asked.

Nodding, I stepped back and let him walk away. He walked up the stairs and I turned the stove back on. I finished cooking the steak and prepared vegetables and plated them up. I hadn't heard dad's shower turn off so I stuck them in the oven to stay warm.

Hearing a noise, I glanced over at the stairs. No one. I was at least expecting Loki or dad to suddenly appear but nothing. I heard a clink behind me and I whirled around.

I opened my mouth to scream but the black ghost waved his hand. I fell to the kitchen floor, unconscious.


"Where the hell did she go!" I yelled as I paced around her room.

My ghostly friend watched me pace as he leaned on the window seal. "I told you Loki, you shouldn't have got involved with her romantically, now you've doomed her" Michael said, raising an eyebrow.

I turned my head to glare at him. "You're such a great fucking help Michael!" I snapped.

He sighed and moved towards me. "Calm down, we'll find her okay?" He asked.

I shook off his grip and started for the door, he followed me. Reena's father was talking to two Police Officers and he was beside himself. I froze on the stairway.

Luke must of heard me, cause he turned his head in my direction. "Now there's Paranormal Hunters? What the hell have you got yourself into!" Michael whisper yelled.

I shoved my elbow through him. Luke cocked his head towards the rose garden and I understood. Following the young man out to the flowers, I glanced over to see Reena's dad put his head in his hands.

"What happened?" Luke asked as soon as we were alone.

"I don't know! I wasn't here, I had to attend another god damn calling" I replied angrily.

"You promised you would protect Reena and now she's missing, there's no trace of her" Luke replied.

A flashlight shone through the rose brush but Luke just sighed. "You're connected somehow, can't you do some weird magic and find her?" He asked, gesturing at me.

"I'm a ghost, Luke, not fucking Harry Potter" I snapped back.

He glared at me. "Wait!" I exclaimed.

I turned around and began to pace. "What?" Luke asked, tilting his head slightly.

"She wears a necklace that she can contact me and call me to her, maybe if she's wearing it, I can do the opposite" I replied, my eyes widening.

"Than what are you waiting for!" Luke exclaimed.

"Are you alright boy?" An officer nearby asked.

"Yes sorry" Luke replied as I closed my eyes.

I thought of Reena, her smile and warm touch. I thought of her skin and the way she said I love you. "Loki" Michael's voice said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"God damn it Michael! I'm trying to do something!" I exclaimed.

"Well it won't work!" Michael exclaimed back.

I opened my eyes and turned to glare at the annoying ghost. Something red glinted in his hand. Reena wasn't wearing the necklace.

Anger over took me and I kicked my leg up, hoping it hit the cement and I'd feel pain, instead my foot went through the cement seat and I bellowed out in anger.

"Uh oh, Loki-" Michael grawled out.

"You're becoming a god damn nuisance Michael!" I exclaimed.

I whirled around and a rolled up parchment floated in the air. I glanced at Luke who glanced at Michael before back at me. Swallowing, I lifted a hand and grabbed the parchment.

I unfurled it. "Loki Peakes, you are hereby called to the Council of Ghosts to stand trial for your crimes against Ghost laws and your infatuation with your human compliance, Reena Styron. Failure to show up at the following proceedings will withdraw further questions and will require us to act immediately. Reena Styron is now being held, if you wish to free her.. I suggest you show up" I quoted before dropping my arm.

The paper crunched as my hands turned into fists. "What does that mean?" Luke asked, looking a little confused.

"It means, Reena is now the prisoner of the Ghost Council until Loki makes a good case as to why they shouldn't be punished for being in love" Michael replied.

I wished he and I were both alive so I could punch him in the face.


Uh oh, Reena's being held, that's not good.
I wonder how Loki's going to come up with a good case when the only person who knew what their love was like is gone..

We soon shall see.

Don't forget to vote and comment! It means a lot if you do!
and as always, stay awesome bros!

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxox

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