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7| Vanessa Kershaw

My fork scraped against the porcelain plate, as I lifted my fork up to eat the rest of my omelette.
Dad still wasn't home and I sighed, leaning back in my chair and looking around the half unpacked house.

Picking up my plate, I stood up and walked into the kitchen to clean up my mess. I hummed to myself as I cleaned my dishes. Emptying the sink, I turned around and gasped, pressing a hand to my heart.

"Don't do that!" I exclaimed as Loki stood in front of the bench. 

He didn't smile, just looked down. "Everything okay?" I asked, nearing the other side of the bench.

I lent towards him. "How do you know that song?" He asked, quietly.

"What song?" I asked back, confused.

"The song you were humming" he said, lifting his eyes to meet my gaze.

"Oh, I was just humming, I didn't realise it was a song" I replied, my fingers tapping the bench.

He shook his head slowly. "Everything about you is exactly like her except you're kinder and more open" he said, sounding fustrated.

His hands went through the benchtop as if he wanted to slap it. Fustrated, he turned away. "Loki, I'm sorry, I don't mean to remind you of her" I replied, casting my eyes down.

"I should go away for a while, I've been in this house for too long" he muttered to himself.

"Maybe if you talk about her, you won't harbour so much feelings for her, I mean she ditched your funeral to be with another guy" I said, referring to something he'd mentioned to me.

He turned to face him, the lights in the room, making him almost invisible. "I don't want to talk about her" he replied, crossing his arms.

"Well then, don't but I can't help it if I accidentally do something that reminds you of your one true love or whatever she was" I replied, angrily.

I turned off the kitchen light before making my way to the stairs. "She wasn't my own true love, she was the person I wanted to marry and live with for the rest of my days" he replied stiffly.

I stopped on the bottom stair, turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah, and how did that work out for you?" I asked.

Anger flashed across his face. "Yeah, well I'm not the one who can see ghosts" he scowled.

"Yeah well, I'm not the one who is a ghost!" I exclaimed back.

His eyes widened. "That was actually hurtful" he said, stepping towards me.

I pretended to be apologetic. "Aww, I'm sorry, wait I don't actually care" I replied.

"You're so mean, do it more" he said, freezing in front of me.

"I- what?" I asked confused.

"Make it easier for me to walk away, right now" he said, an emotionless mask falling across his face.

"What are you talking about? This is your home, you can't leave it" I said, turning to face him fully.

"This is your home now, I'm a ghost, I belong on the other side, not tending to the curious historical needs of a nineteen year old girl" he replied, frost in his tone.

"What! You know what! Fine, leave then!" I exclaimed, before storming up the stairs.

I opened my bedroom door and fell onto my bed. I can't believe I was arguing with a ghost, talk about being insane.

Stuffing my face into my pillow, I bellowed out my fustrations. If this didn't stop, my father was going to send me to the looney hospital.

"Reena" his voice said.

I sighed into my pillow.

"Reena, I'm sorry, I've been alone for a very long time and you're the only person who can see me, who can understand me and I'm afraid of what that means, because you are the exact replica of Vanessa and that probably means that somewhere down the line. You are related" he said, his voice faint.

I turned my head out of the pillow to look at him. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we probably aren't, I wish I could give you some awesome explanation about how I can see you, hear you and touch you, but I cannot" I replied, sitting up.

Loki moved into my room, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Maybe I can consult someone, like a medium, would you be interested in that?" He asked, glancing at me almost shyly.

"Sure" I replied.

He stood up, brushing off his eighteenth century vest and looked at me. "In a lot of ways you are better than Vanessa, all these years I still believed she was my future but I now know she isn't" he said almost looking like he wanted to add something.

"Maybe it was fate your mother died and you came here, maybe we were supposed to meet, do you believe in fate?" He asked, moving his hand through my wooden beam.

"If Fate took my mother and led me here than Fate is cruel" I replied, my eyes prickling with tears.


"Because I lost my mother, and the one person I know and trust here is a ghost that no one else can see" I replied, wiping at my eyes.

I laid down, staring at the ceiling. I felt his presence as he laid down next to me, his shoulder rubbing mine. "You can see me and that's all that matters to me" he replied.

I turned my head to the side, looking at his side profile. "And I wish you were real, that way we could really be friends" I replied, softly.

Jumping slightly as his fingers brushed against mine, my eyes widened. "I am real" he whispered.

A sudden tiredness washed over me and I felt my head nestle into the crook of his shoulder. A tear fell down my cheek, stopping just above the crook of my nose.

Ever so lightly, his fingertip brushed it away. "Goodnight Reena" he whispered.


He's soo sweet but you're about to get introduced to the other characters that may or may not change your mind.

I wonder how Reena can see him or any of that.

Is Loki slowly falling for Reena?
I guess we'll see :)

Stay tuned,
Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxox

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