Chapter 24

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Important authors note at the end! Seriously, it's important!


not edited

I take a deep breath. The whole crowd is chanting ‘say yes, say yes, say yes!’ Talk about peer pressure. Joe’s looking at me expectantly, nervousness clear in his face. I know how he feels, as I asked him out before, but he probably feels worse because he has a whole crowd watching him.

I put a slight smile on my face, as I open my mouth to respond. Joe’s face lights up as he sees me start to speak, but that is soon ruined when a voice yells through a microphone.

“Say yes, dammit!” Tristan screeches.

I break out of whatever trance I was in with Joe, to give Tristan an amused, but annoyed smile. He notices everyone looking. Sending a sheepish smile our way, he says into his microphone, “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

Joe and I nod our heads slowly. Tristan looks guilty as he raises his microphone to his lips. “Sorry guys, keep on going.”

Shaking my head in amusement, I look back at Joe. He gives me a small nervous smile, taking my hands.

“So what do you say?” he asks, hopefully.

“Yes, Joe. I course I’ll go on a date with you,” I smile.

He engulfs me into a huge hug. I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his waist. The whole crowd cheers, screaming as loud as they can. Smiling into the hug, I pull away, but still holding him at arm’s length.

“Thank god you said yes,” Joe laughs. “I basically had to stalk them,” he motions over to The Vamps. “Trust me, it wasn’t easy. Their bodyguard kept finding me in the weirdest hiding places. I got kicked out of the mall for you!”

“Really?” I laugh, letting go of him.

“Really,” James pipes up. “We finally let him talk to us. When he told us what he wanted to do, we agreed straight away!”

“You’re so sweet, Joe!” someone yells in the crowd. A full blown grin appears on my face as I watch his face heat up with a blush. “I would love if my boyfriend asked me out the way you did!” the girl continues. A few people in the crowd murmur in agreement.

I lean my head over to whisper in Joe’s ear. “Thanks for this,” I whisper. “It was the sweetest thing.”

He smiles, kissing me on the forehead. “I would do anything for you,” he whispers back.

“Okay, lovebirds,” Brad smirks. “How about we sing a song in your honour? Suggestions anyone?”

“How about Girls on T.V?” A voice calls out, which I instantly recognise as Larissa’s voice. I look over at her. She gives me a little wink, making a heart with her hands. She holds it up, so it hearts around Joe and I. I roll my eyes in response, putting my attention back on Brad.

“Great idea!” he agrees. The boys all get into place. Brad in the middle, James on one side and Connor on the other, then Tristan at the back on the drums. Brad motions for us to come over to him, as he James, Tristan and Connor start the intro. Joe and I walk over to him. We stand next to him, as he starts singing the song.

Dear Diary, want to make a new entry. Oh, you wouldn’t believe me, what began today,” Brad sings, high fiving the crowd. I start jumping around dancing, which might look weird to some people, but I really like this song. “Well, she called me. That girl from the party. And I thought she should be on t.v when I first saw her face.”

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