Author's Goodbye & Information

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Hey Guys! It's Samara here :)

So first of all I would like to start by saying a BIG thank you to everyone for all your support and everything! I really appreciate you guys reading this book and voting and commenting! All your comments made my day! So thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!

I'm actually really sad that this story is over because it's my first story that I've finished on WattPad and it's like my baby. So I'm definitely going to miss it!

Now, I'm just going to clear a few things up.

SEQUEL - Unfortunately there will be no sequel. A few people have asked me and after thinking through about it, I've decided no. I just feel that if I write one the story will just be dragging on and I also think that there doesn't need to be a sequel for this book :)

SPIN OFF BOOK - There is one! It features Kyle and Rayna! You know, Kyle is Savannah's cousin! And guess who will be appearing in it? Savannah and Joe! So if you miss them or you just want to read a book, head over to my profile and find the book titled Heartache on the Big Screen. Here's the blurb;

A lot can change in 3 years.

Meet Rayna Matthews. She's fun, outgoing and an absolute lovely person. With her family, group of awesome best friends and her boyfriend, life couldn't get any better. But what about of the person who hurt you all those years ago comes back into your life?

Meet Kyle Jacobs. He's Hollywood's teen heartthrob. The Golden Boy. The boy who has millions of fangirls falling at his feel, worshipping him. He also used to be Rayna's best friend, but that was history. He hasn't talked to her in three years, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't think of her.

Now when they cross paths again, both are shocked. Clearly not expecting to see each other again. Rayna quickly fires, wanting nothing to do with Kyle, but unfortunately for her, they will be seeing each other every day for the next three months shooting their movie.

Love lives are tested, friendships are resolved and friendships are made. Well, one things for sure, it caused heartache. Heartache on the Big Screen.

BONUS CHAPTERS - So, I've decided that I'm going to be writing two bonus chapters. One in Joe's point of view and the other just a bonus chapter. Now that's only going to happen if I can get 20 more votes in the Epilogue, so if you haven't voted, please do :) also for Joe's point of view I'm writing it on one of the chapters I've previously written. Just comment what chapter you want in Joe's point of view and I'll write that up :)

and that's it :)

Once again, thank you guys so so much! Your support means the world to me! When people started reading my book, I was so excited and to come this far wouldn't have been possible without you all! You guys are absolutely amazing!

thank you all for being the best readers ever! - samara x

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