- t h i r t y f o u r -

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you are currently lying in jungkook's bed while the other is apparently 'studying' for te upcoming test next next week, which means you are currently being ignored. of course you are, too, studying and revising your notes. but this guy right here, jungkook, is on another fuckin' level.

you once again, purposely sighed loudly to get jungkook's attention, which you are deprived of since the start of the week, and it's more than halfway through the week. but he just ignored you, as he keep reading his book and writing notes

ugh it's not like he doesn't go to school that he reads the whole book since like– jskjdskwka

you suddenly smirked evilly and grabbed your phone, texting jimin to come over.

you may or may not have planned something... but oh well, let's just keep reading now, hm?

after less than half an hour, a knock was heared coming from downstairs that made you smile evily, but of course was changed into an innocent smile when jungkook looked to your body that is now leaving his room. as you were thinking, jungkook stopped you to do so, asking a basic question.

jungkook: who is that? delivery guy?

you giggled and shook your head, you watched as he goes back to his own world, sighing and then flipping his hair back that is currently covering half of his eyes, he really needs a haircut.

but then as you were about to look away, your eyes caught his hand that is flipping his hair back. if you weren't eager the past minutes, oh well you are now. just by looking at those veins from his hand– you're literally drooling.

you were pulled back from your trance when you heared the doorbell once again rang. as you open the door, their stood the squishy looking jimin that immediately crushed you into a hug, you of course did the same– but of course you're also a living thing that needs to breathe.

before you push him away, you let out a loud whine that reached jungkook.

you: jimin-ah, i can't breathe– skdjsjsjaa

jimin: this is part of your plan, isn't it?

you giggled before answering,

you: half-half, of course i missed you!

you whispered the first part, but is audible enough for jimin to hear.

jimin: awh~ bro i missed you too~


it's now night time, and you were currently cooking jimin's and jungkook's favorite food, which just happens to be the same thing!

suddenly, you felt two arms snake on your waist. you instantly knew it was jimin, judging by the smol hand your felt.

you: oh now you might actually get beaten if jeongguk see this.

jimin: i wanna leave this place now, i hate being a goddamn third wheel. all i want to do now is provoke him, and you'll get what you want, you nasty girl.

just as your were about to tell hin he needs to eat first, the enraged juanito just had to interrupt and tear jimin away from you.

jungkook: oh she is getting it now. but i need you to leave.

you managed to turn the stove off before getting crushed in jungkook's chest. jimin smirked and held up his two arms in the air.

jimin: of course i'll leave, mister. i don't want to hear your moans– oh god. now you—

your best friend pointed at you,

jimin: get ready 'coz he looks like he's going rou– yah!! ahHhhH i stillLLlwAnNa liVeeEEeEeEeeee!!

he just ran away, before he gets crushed by this muscle pig right here– who his ready to attack the sneaky little jimin. jungkook spoke as soon as he heared the door close, he trapped you in the counter with a devilish smirk in his freaking face.

jungkook: now tell me babe, what do you want instead of attention, huh? you naughty kitten.

you may or may not have fainted at that.


(^ー^)ノ (^ー^)ノ


oh god it's been so damn long since i've updated.
but anyways the next chap would be ehEmMmMmm—




although i dont actually make good smut smh

ohandbtw if yall have time you can read A Let Go by @Rin_Official issa story of the bratty maknae lmao

sshhdonttellher i recommend her story, she's also a new author and just published her book in january 1 :)))) she's a wattpad friend of mine



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