Chapter 2

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The tall man looked down at you as you looked up at him. Your eyes meet a pair of big, brown, sparkly eyes and you instantly knew exactly who he was. You could never forget those beautiful eyes even if you wanted to. "Shit" you thought and quickly looked down hoping he didn't see or recognize you.

- Y/N, it that you?

*Chapter 2*

"Oh no he saw me" you said to yourself as you started to mentally prepare the "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that you were going to be a father" speech in your head.

- H-hi Jungkook. You said nervously.

You hoped and prayed he wouldn't look down and see your small but still visible baby bump. You covered it with your hands in attempt to try to hide it but it only made him suspicious and he looked down. You scanned his face, biting your lower lip from nervousness as you waited patiently for his reaction. His eyes widened and he looked up at you with his eyebrows furrowed, obviously very confused. He scanned your belly in shock, almost like he didn't believe his sight. Jungkook looked up at your face and then down again, slowly putting the pieces together.

- I-I'm so sorry I- You started but he cut you off.

- I-is it m-mine? He asked with a slightly trembling voice.

You looked up at him and your eyes meet his dark brown ones. His eyes were shining from the tears that was slowly building up, threatening to fall down his red, puffy cheeks. You took a deep breath and let your hands fall down to your sides, making the bump more visible.

- I-I- Yes. You mumbled looking down again embarrassed.

- Why didn't you tell me? He said, his voice breaking at the end.

- Follow me, let's talk but not here, my feet hurts. You said and took him to a nearby Italian restaurant.

The walk was short but quiet. The tension was really awkward and weird. You just stared right in front of you not even sparing a glance towards Jungkook. You walked inside and took a table far into the restaurant by a big window. You took a seat by the table and Jungkook sat down on a chair in front of you. The restaurant was nicely decorated with white walls and the tables had red tablecloths on which made the restaurant look modern but still family friendly. Some people sat by different tables enjoying their meal and once you sat down a waiter came up to you.

- Hello and welcome, would you like to order anything? The waiter asked.

- I'll have a coffee. Jungkook said.

- Sure and you? The waiter asked and smiled at you.

- Just a ice tea please. You said.

- Ok, I will be right back with your order. He said and left the table.

You thanked the waiter and looked at Jungkook. He sat leant back in his chair looking at you with raised eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

- First of all I'm sorry for not telling you about the baby, but I didn't know how you would react, I mean we only meet once and I can only remember half of it so I thought you wouldn't want to be apart of this. You mumbled out in full speed.

- Are you sure the baby is even mine? Jungkook asked, his voice was cold and he sounded mad.

- Of course I know it's yours, do you think I'm some sort of slut sleeping with different people every night? You said angrily and slightly offended.

"How could he even think that?" You thought. It didn't help that you had really bad mood swings either so now you were really mad at him.

- Sorry, but what do you expect me to say? I don't know anything about you. Other that you're good in bed. He said raising his hands in defense as he winked when he said the last sentence.

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