Chapter 4

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- Y/N what's wrong, are you ok? He said, lightning the couch lamp behind you so he could see your face better.

- I don't know, but I think there is something wrong with the baby.

*Chapter 4*

Jungkook drove his car really fast to the nearest hospital. During the whole ride he held your hand tightly, stroking it with his thumb as he was saying calming words to you. Once you arrived you two walked to the counter by the entrance. Jungkook talked to the woman behind the counter and told her what happened, she lead you to your own room and after a while a doctor came in.

- Y/L/N Y/N? The doctor asked.

- Yes that's me. You said.

- It says here that you have experienced pain in your lower stomach?

- Yes that is right.

- When did you start to feel pain? The doctor asked, looked at you and then taking of his glasses, putting them on top of his head.

- I was asleep and then I woke up around 2am because of the sudden pain. You looked at Jungkook and he took your hand in his comfortingly.

- We will have to take a few tests before we can tell what caused the pain. He explained.

- Of course.

- Ehm, what kind of tests doctor? Jungkook asked.

- A blood test, heart rate of both the baby and Y/N, we are also going to take an ultrasound.

- B-blood test? Jungkook asked, his eyes widened as he stared at you.

- Is there a problem Jungkook? You asked.

- It's just that I can't really see blood. He admitted.

- Just look away or something. You said and chuckled.

He glared at you and you couldn't help but laugh. He sighed and a small smirk spread across his face.

- I have to leave now but one of my colleagues will come to run the tests.

- Thank you doctor. You said and the doctor left.

You and Jungkook were left alone in the room. The smiled faded from your face as you once again remembered what you were here for. You were so scared that something bad had happened to your little baby. You let the tears fall down your cheeks from your eyes again. You looked at Jungkook and he had tears in his eyes as well. He saw that you looked at him so he quickly wiped his tears away, taking a deep breath and went to your bed. He was trying to be strong for you but deep inside this whole thing about not knowing what the problem was, really broke him.

- What is something really bad is happening to the baby? You asked crying.

- Hey, we will get through this. Jungkook said caressing your cheek softly.

You both heard a knock on the door and in came what you guessed was your new doctor.

- Hi Y/N I'm here to run a few tests on you now. The doctor said.

- Yes of course. The doctor took a blood test on your and then it was time for an ultrasound and listen to the heart beat.

The doctor putted the cold gel on your stomach and then looked at the ultrasound. After a while the doctor's face expression changed into a concerned one and she turned to face you and Jungkook.

- Is something wrong doctor? Jungkook asked worryingly as his eyes were big and teary.

- Ehm, I can't see anything wrong with the baby but I can't find the baby's heartbeat. She explained.

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