Chapter 26

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The sound of a baby crying filled the 4 walls of the room. You were laying there on the hospital bed with sweat running down your forehead as your chest rose up and down due to the lack of oxygen since you just pushed a baby out. You breathed heavily and tears were rolling down your cheeks mostly happy tears but some from the pain you had just suffered from. The doctors laid your baby on your bare chest, you kissed his cheeks and looked at him with loving eyes.

- You did it, baby. Jungkook said kissing you on your lips and then he kissed your newborn son.

- He is perfect. You said still crying.

- He really is.

After the doctors had run the tests that were necessary on the baby and checked if everything was alright you and Jungkook were getting to know your newborn son. Your mother left when Jungkook came and now you called her to ask is she wanted to come and meet her grandson for the first time.

You heard a knock on the door and your mother peeked her head through before she walked inside. She had a big smile on her face when she saw the little baby in Jungkook's arms large arms. She walked slowly over to Jungkook, placing a hand on her son in law's shoulder before he passed the baby to her. She held your son and looked at him with so much love in her eyes. You couldn't help but start crying again at the sight, your hormones were going crazy today. Jungkook looked at you, shook his head smiling as he walked over to you, caressing your head.

- He is beautiful. Your mother said.

- Yeah. You said sitting up from your bed.

- How are you feeling? She asked.

- A bit sore but it's fine. You explained.

- I understand that, when I gave birth to you I was dead for days, that birth took hours and hours, I never thought you would come out. She said and laughed

You and Jungkook laughed at your mother's little story. She stayed for the rest of the night until visiting hours were close.

The next day you could go home. It felt a little bit weird because last time you left the house you were only 2 but now when you're coming back you were 3. Jungkook drove you home and when you walked in Y/D/N ran up to you on her short legs together with Jungkook's mother. Your daughter's eyes widened when she saw the small baby in your arms. She stopped a few meters away and just stared at you 3 with wide eyes. You smiled at her and Jungkook walked up to her taking her hand in his as he leads her to you. You bent down and showed the baby to her making her let out a small gasp.

- Y/D/N this is your baby brother. You said softly.

She didn't say anything, she just looked at his big brown eyes. She raised her hand and carefully caressed his cheek.

- What's his name? Jungkook's mother asked smiling at the baby.

- It's Jeonsan. You said.

- A perfect name for a perfect baby boy. She said laughing.

- Yeah. Jungkook said laughing along.

- He has your eyes Jungkook. Jungkook's mother said pointing at your son's eyes.

- Yeah, but he got Y/N's lips and nose. He said, letting out a chuckle.

After a few hours Jungkook's mother left so you could have some family time with your new baby boy, plus you were still really tired after birth so you went to bed early that night. Your son was sleeping in his bed beside yours and Jungkook's bed so you could easily feed him and take care of him during the night. Even if you didn't get much sleep because Jeonsan needed to eat a couple of times during the night you still felt well-rested but you and Jungkook knew it was only a matter of time before all the sleepless nights would begin.

During the rest of the week, you had guests almost every day over at your house because everyone wanted to meet the new family member.

Y/D/N had been the sweetest towards her baby brother. Even if she just had met him she loved him so much. She took her big sister role really seriously, always checking up on him and if he cried she was the first one to be right by he side and cheer him up by making funny faces or something. She always wanted to help take care of him and help feed him.

- Y/D/N! Would you want to help me change his diaper? You asked.

- No, that's disgusting. She said holding her nose.

You laughed at her comment and then you changed his diaper all by yourself.

Jungkook took the first five weeks off work so he could be home and help. Then he had to start working again but he made sure to always be home early. Jungkook loved to see his son grow up. Even if it only had been five weeks since he was born he had changed so much, he was much more aware of his surroundings and would respond a lot more.

Currently, you sat on the couch in the living room feeding Jeonsan when the front door opened.

- Baby? Jungkook shouted from the hall.

- In the living room. You said back and soon he appeared in front of you, his bunny smile on full display.

- How are is my wife and son? He asked sitting down on the couch, kissing his son's forehead.

- We are good. How has your day been?

- It was amazing. He said excitedly.

- What happened?

- You will never believe what happened today. He started but you cut him of.

- Wait. You said since Jeonsan was done and you placed your son down on his bed before pulling down your shirt.

You turned to Jungkook smiled, excited to hear what he had to say.

- So you remember when I was away on that business trip for work? He asked.

- Of course, it was the day before our son was born. You said laughing.

- Well, I had that important meeting the day after that but I didn't go to because you went into labor.

- Yeah.

- So today I had that meeting instead and... He paused, making you frustrated since all you wanted was for him to tell you.

- And what?

- They wanted to do a partnership with my company! He burst out.

- Omg Kook, that's amazing! You said hugging him.

He hugged you tightly back, while you caressed his back. You let go of him and he looked you, a large and proud smile dancing all over his face.

- Congratulations Kook, you really deserve it. You said giving him a loving kiss.

- Thank you Y/N, but I couldn't have done it without your support.

- I will always support you, it's us against the world.

- Oh, and we are having a company dinner to celebrate tonight. He said.

- But who will take care of Jeonsan and Y/D/N? You asked concerned.

- I have already talked to mom and she would gladly help. He said.

- I don't know Kook. He is not so old yet.

You didn't want to leave your son home without you nor Jungkook.

- C'mon Y/N, it's just for one night. Jungkook begged.

. Fine, but only for a few hours. You sighed.

- I promise. 

Pregnant After One Night Stand | BTS Jeon JungkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ