Chapter 15

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*TB: Your wedding day*

1 of July a day you will never forget, that was the day you married the love of your life. The wedding ceremony was held by the beach where you had your first date, it was a sunny day and not a single cloud so long the eyes could see. You were currently sitting in a dressing room as your friend did your makeup and another one of your friends did your hair. Your hair was curled and your front hair was back in a braid with flowers in it. When you were done with your makeup and hair it was time to put on your wedding gown. It was a white long dress with short sleeves. The dress had a fluffy skirt and a tight top. With your dress, you wore a long veil that went to the floor and a pair of white heels. Your daughter wore a light pink frock dress and your bridesmaids wore light pink long dresses and had their hair up in buns.

- Oh my god, Y/N you look so beautiful! Your mother said as she entered the room. She ran up to you and hugged you with tears in her eyes.

- Thank you, mom. You said smiling.

- Jungkook is a lucky man. You heard your father say form the doorframe.

You smiled at your dad as you let go of your mom's embrace.

- Are you ready? Your mom asked looking you in your eyes.

- As ready as I will ever be.

Your mother walked first down the aisle with your daughter and then your bridesmaids with Jungkook best man. Your father took your arm as he leads you down the aisle. Everyone's eyes were on you but you only stared at Jungkook. He was wearing a black suit with a black bowtie.

You and Jungkook locked eyes and a big smile spread across his face as he couldn't take his eyes off you. It took everything in your power not to run up to him and kiss him. After what felt like forever you were finally there. Jungkook took your hand, kissed it and held it in his and you both faced the priest.

- We are gathered here to wed Jeon Jungkook and Y/L/N Y/N. The priest started the ceremony and after some time it was time to say your vows.

- I have to catch my breath to believe this is real, that I am marrying my true love, my heart's desire, and my best friend. You are the best thing that could happen to me and I'm so happy I meet you. You turned my world upside down. You gave me the best thing in the world and that is your love and our beautiful daughter. I promise to love you and Y/D/N until I die and I will always take care of you. We are going to meet many different challenges but I promise to stay by your side and support you. Jungkook said. His words made you cry and you looked at him with so much love.

- From this day forward, I will look to each day with the joy of knowing that my tomorrow includes you. I take you to be my husband, to be my best friend and to stand side-by-side, hand in hand, and heart to heart. I want to thank you for giving me a family to love. Thank you for showing me what true love is. You helped me get through the toughest time in my life and for that, I will forever be grateful. I promise to take care of you in sickness and in health. I promise to love you and always stay by your side, to not give up and fight through the toughest times because I know we can do anything. You said crying. Jungkook looked at you with tears in his eyes.

- Do you Jeon Jungkook take Y/L/N Y/N to be your lawfully and spiritually wedded wife, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart? The priest asked as he looked at Jungkook.

- I do. Jungkook's voice came out loud and clear like he had been wanting to utter those 2 words for so long.

- Do you Y/L/N Y/N take Jeon Jungkook to your lawfully and spiritually wedded husband, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?

- I do.

- I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride. The priest said.

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile that made you fall even more in love with him as he stepped closer. He took your face in between his hands, caressed your cheeks softly with the pad on his thumbs and then he kissed you. The kiss was sweet and full of love. The guests started clapping and cheering. After some time Jungkook broke the kiss looking you in your eyes. You wish you could stay in this moment forever.

- I love you my lovely wife.

- And I love you, my lovely husband. 

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