Chapter 20

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*1 week later*

Today was the day for your 5-month pregnancy ultrasound. You were really excited and nervous because today we will find out the gender of our little baby. Jungkook was still 100 percent sure it was going to be a baby boy and you were still very sure that it was going to be a little baby girl.

You and Jungkook were getting ready for the appointment. You wore a red hoodie with black jeans and white sneakers. Jungkook wore a white t-shirt with blue jeans and timberlands.

Jungkook drove to the doctors and you both sang happily along with the songs on the radio in the car. When you arrived at the doctors you both got escorted to a room where you waited for a doctor to come. 

- Do you still want to hold on to the bet? You asked cockily and raised one brow at him.

- Of course, are you afraid that you will lose Y/L/N? He asked.

- Me, afraid? No, I just know that it will be a girl Jeon.

- We will see about that. He said laughing.

As you were about to reply to him you heard a knock on the door. You both turned your heads towards the door.

- Com in. You said.

- Hello Mrs. and Mr. Jeon. The doctor said as she entered the room.

- Hi. You answered.

- So first we start with the ultrasound, I need to ask do you want to know the gender? She asked.

- Ehm, could you please write it down in an envelope? You asked.

You and Jungkook had both decided that you will have a little baby gender reveal and Y/F/N will plan and take care of it.

- Of course.

- Thank you.

- So will you please lay down on the bed and we will start.

You laid down on the hospital bed and the doctor put on a gel on your stomach. When she found the baby you looked at the monitor smiling brightly. You felt a hand in yours and you looked to your side and saw Jungkook. He smiled down at you and then gave you a light kiss on your cheek making an instant blush rush upon your face.

- The baby looks fine and healthy, and now we will listen to the heartbeat. The doctor explained.

A fast fast-beating sound came out through the speaker and filled the room. Even though you have heard the heartbeat multiple times it still made you feel warm inside and relieved that your baby is alive. Ever since that day when you thought you had lost Y/D/N you still had this worry that something could be wrong or anything.

- The heartbeat sound really good, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

- Thank you, doctor. Jungkook said.

- Of course, I will put the gender in an envelope and you're good to go.

The doctor put a piece of paper in an envelope and then gave it to you. You got cleaned up and said goodbye to the doctor. It was very tempting to open the envelope and see what was growing inside of you but you managed to put your urges away. On your way home you dropped by Y/F/N's apartment to leave the envelope so she could plan the gender reveal that was supposed to be held in two days.

You and Jungkook decided to take Y/D/N to the beach and get some ice cream since it was a warm and sunny day.

When you arrived at the beach Jungkook and your daughter ran around and played on the white, warm sand while you went to buy the ice cream. You bought Strawberry for your daughter since it was her favorite, Jungkook liked chocolate so he got that and for yourself, you got vanilla, simple but good. Once you had the ice cream you, Jungkook and Y/D/N sat down on a blanket in the sand, looking out over the deep blue ocean.

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