Chapter 7

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Today was the day for Jungkook's trial. Your ex decided to press charges for Jungkook, I guess he wanted some kind of revenge on you. One good thing was that Jungkook was allowed to go home until the trial took place.

You and Jungkook got ready, he was wearing a black casual suit with black shining shoes and you were wearing a black tight long sleeve dress that was going to your knees, with the dress you wore black heels.

Jungkook's lawyer was going to pick you up and drive you to the court.

Once you were at the courtroom you sat down on a chair, Jungkook and his lawyer sat down next to your ex and his lawyer. You were going to testify so you sat behind Jungkook. The courtroom was huge and light, with chairs in 8 rows in front of the table where the judges were sitting.

The trial started and it was your ex turn to talk about what happened. When he sat there beside the judge he smirked at you and then he started talking. As he was telling his side of the story you noticed that what he was telling was not true. Well, he told the judges what had happened but he made it 10 times worse. Your blood started to boil and when he saw that his smirk just got even bigger.

The trial went on and Jungkook told his story and now it was your time to testify. Now was the time when you were going to tell everyone what had happened 1 year ago.

As you were talking about what happened 1 year ago you saw your ex sitting there staring at you with big, shocked eyes, he was shaking his head signalling you to stop as he was not expecting you to bring it up.

- That is not true! He said standing up while you were talking.

- Sit down. The judge said.

You continued to talk and when you were done your ex's lawyer came up to you.

- If what you are saying is true why haven't you gone to the police earlier? He said looking at you.

- I was scared he might do something to me or anyone I know. You said as tears started forming in your eyes.

Jungkook looked at you with sadness in his eyes as he heard your story. Your ex looked at you with an annoyed and irritated face not liking the way you exposed him.

- Well we can't know if it's true until you show some evidence. Your ex's lawyer said looking at you, proud by his words.

Your heart sank in your chest. You didn't think about that.

- I-I don't have any. You said with teary eyes as you stood up about to leave the boot, then you heard the door to the courtroom swing open.

- Wait! I have proof. You heard your best friend shout as she ran into the courtroom.

- You can't storm in here just like that. Your ex's lawyer said irritatingly.

- Please Mr judge. Y/F/N said with pleading eyes as she looked at the judge.

- So you're saying you have proof that shows Y/EX/N have been threatening and hurting Y/N? The judge asked.

- Yes, Y/N accidentally called me during one of there fights and I recorded it. In the recording, you can hear him threatening Y/N and then you can hear him slapping her.

You looked at your friend in shock as she had never told me about this before.

- Let's hear it.

Y/F/N plugged in her phone to one speaker and played the recording of everything. All the memories from that night came back to your mind like a punch in the face. Without realising it, tears started rolling down your eyes as you heard what he had said to you back then. Once you had heard the full recording the judges went out of the room to decide what they are supposed to do with the new information. I sat down and looked at Jungkook, he was smiling weekly at you and you gave him a small smile back. It took everything in his power not to run up to you and hug you once he had heard what had happened and when he saw your crying face. He sighted and the doors opened.

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