𝟎𝟎. 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞

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( rues pov )

FOR AS LONG as Mia could remember she had always had a predominately happy life. She was the youngest and only girl in her family so she had always been spoiled and given the special treatment from her dad and mom. I'm not saying they treated her older brother like shit because they did spend a lot of time on him too, but with Mia it was different— like her family was trying to raise her to be perfect.

I guess her family's plan worked out because when I met Mia in middle school I was seriously freaked out at how fucking perfect she was. She didn't even have to try, it was just like it came naturally to her.

I met Fez the same time I had met Mia. It was mine and Mia's first day of 6th grade and Fez's first day of 8th grade. The three of us had a yearbook class together and were all assigned to the same group. Fez and I didn't really do shit but Mia did and would try to get us involved in the process of putting together a yearbook page but in end I didn't really give a fuck and I think Mia understood because she didn't press it any further.

Fez on the other hand would try to help Mia and even though he did almost everything wrong Mia never made a big deal out of it, she just helped him. Fez liked that about Mia, she didn't treat him like he didn't know anything. Mia also liked Fez, she thought he was funny and he always brought her cookies from the store his family owned.

Mia and Fez both liked each other just not in the same way.

Fez tried to tell Mia how he felt at Connor Walsh's 14th birthday party but that was during the time that Mia had met Maddy.

Mia and Maddy first met three months into the school year when Maddy was transferred into painting a class Mia also had, because her mom had switched her out of dance. Maddy walked up to Mia and told her she was pretty and Mia complimented Maddy's makeup (Which was weirdly good for a ten year old). After that one hour in class Mia and Maddy were inseparable. So you could imagine that Fez never had the chance to talk to Mia alone again, up until a game of seven minutes in heaven.

Mia sat in the circle filled with about 4 girls and 5 guys, 4 of those guys had already tried kissing her and I'm pretty sure Mia wanted to be anywhere else but there. I could tell because that was the first time I ever heard Mia cuss, it wasn't loud but a soft "shit" under her breath.

Mia spun the bottle and it was like god was on both of their sides because it landed on Fezco. Since that day I've never seen Fez's face turn red like how it did in that moment.

Mia smiled and grabbed Fez's hand, dragging him to the closet. The boys in the circle rolled their eyes in jealousy. Mia really was adored by every boy at school. She just had that attraction which is fucked up because she was only 12 years old... but you know guys and their hormones.

Mia and Fez sat in the dark in silence for about two minutes, Fez was trying to come up with the courage to tell Mia how he felt and Mia was picking her soft pink nail polish waiting for the time to go by. Right when Fez was going to tell Mia he liked her she spoke up first.

"Fez, I'm really thankful for you. You're like the only guy at this school that hasn't told me they liked me or has tried to kiss me." Mia smiled scooching over to the side of the closet Fez was on, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Fez fell still, "Yeah of course, I'm thankful for you too Mia."

"You're like a big brother to me and I hope we never grow apart." Mia hugged Fez.

"Me too." Fezco had felt like the wind had been knocked out of him.

After that night at Connor's party Fez still brought Mia a cookie everyday and they still talked like they used to until the end of the year came around. And on the last day of school before summer break, Mia and Fez had told each other that they would see each other that summer.

Which they never did. They eventually stopped talking all together.

By the time Mia got to high school her looks had totally changed from middle school. She had developed boobs, curves and a sense of style. Her and Maddy stood the same, inseparable.

Mia had seen that Fez changed too, he wasn't the short dorky ginger from middle school she remembered being friends with. He was taller and much fitted from what she had heard if you know what I mean. Fez also started to sell drugs on the side his junior year so he would always be at every party Mia was at.

One party Mia and Fez had even gotten real high together and caught up. I was there and it was adorable up until they both ended up kissing and leaving together then it just got awkward for me.

I saw Fez the next day at the corner store and asked him if he and his dream girl were finally a thing, he responded with "Nah, she's still not feeling it like that when she comes up for air."

I told him at least he got to kiss her to which he nodded and said "Dat part."

I'm pretty sure they did more than kiss but after that they never really acted like they did, well not publicly at least.

hiii, if you already had this story in your library than you probably read what i had put out for this story which was called angel energy... sooo you can see how much the plot has changed and all that! if you don't like the new plot i totally understand you don't have to read the rest of the updates i put out but i like this plot way better than angel energy, i had way more fun writing this one than the other one. i just want to write what i feel like i would like and you would like and part of writing something good is liking what you write and i didn't like what i was writing while angel energy was the plot:/ i hope you understand and continue reading <3 this is dedicated to all of fezhive! mwah! ALSO tell me what you think in the comments and make sure you favorite the chapter it really gives me more motivation as writer to know people like what i'm writing!

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