𝟎𝟕. 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧


[no silent readers pls 🥺]

MIA'S FALLING OUT with Fez took a toll on her, a toll she had never expected.

Mia wasn't a person to get attached easily, especially not with people she was just fucking around with, but she knew Fez was different she just could never admit it to herself.

So in a very dramatic teen way Mia shut out the whole world out all weekend. She had thrown her phone to a random corner when she got home and cried until she had given her self a headache and passed out. She woke up the next morning feeling shittier than ever and her parents being totally oblivious to everything just thought their daughter was sick.

She had stood in bed the remainder of the weekend drifting in and out of sleep, crying, and only getting up to use the restroom. Not once had she eaten, she knew that was a bad thing especially for a tiny girl like her but she couldn't help it.

Monday rolled around and Mia didn't go to school same thing with Tuesday, not until Wednesday when her parents had forced her to go because she couldn't miss anymore days. Mia knew that they were right, she got annoyed at the thought of all the homework, ASB, dance, and every other extracurricular things she had to catch up on.

Mia had to force herself in the shower. She stood under the water for the longest, thinking about Fez again. She hated that he thought she had cheated on him. She was even madder because he had the nerve to get mad about someone who he had not even asked to be his girlfriend.

With the rage of energy she had discovered, she quickly took the rest of her shower and did all her necessities. She threw on a cute outfit and did some basic makeup wanting to look as normal as possible and not like she had been crying in her bed for basically five days.

Mia looked in every corner before finding her phone wishing she hadn't looked at her notifications, she had to over 200 missed calls and text messages from all her friends yelling at her for going MIA and saying they hoped she felt better. She sighed shoving her phone in her back pocket walking out of her room.

MIA WALKED into the school and automatically wished she was home. She felt a little bit better when she felt someone rush her into a hug instantly knowing it was Maddy.

"What happened bitch? I came over because you went ghost and your mom said you were sick but I know that wasn't the case because you weren't answering anybody." Maddy said. That was one thing Mia loved and hated about Maddy, she always knew when something was up.

"It's nothing I'm over it already." Mia lied smiling.

Maddy raised her eyebrow, "I don't believe you."

"Fez and I broke up or stopped talking I guess, I really don't want to talk about it. Can we please go to class?" Mia asked not wanting to really get into that conversation knowing she would want to start crying.

The Latina frowned, "Ok M, when you're ready to talk I'm here."

Mia smiled at her best friend holding her hand out to link hands while they walked to class.

The rest of the week went by faster than Mia thought they would, then again she had only went to school for three days.

Mia had slowly started to feel better, especially after she had told Maddy everything. It felt good to get her feelings off her chest. Maddy had insisted that the carnival would be a fun way to get back on track and Mia agreed. She loved the carnival.

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