Chapter Five: When the Gazelle Tries to Outrun the Lion

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Only a little while more.

I thought to myself as I sat finishing typing up the final report for my last case. After my... encounter with Matteo earlier I was on the tilt of the most dangerous yet invigorating edge. I wanted nothing more than to go home and sit happily in my beautiful jacuzzi tub and try my hardest not to think about him. Yet, even I had to admit that do so much as attempting to reach such a feat was mission impossible.

That damn kiss shook my entire being. I wished I was being dramatic, but unfortunately I was not. When he was up against me I was only moments away from throwing in the towel and letting his brother walk in on one hell of a show. It wasn't like me at all, but he was right the other day in the car. Whenever he was around me, any control I thought I had completely evaporated into the thinnest fragments of the air. He was perfect, too perfect, from how he felt against me to how he molded his lips to mine. From the way he seemed to take only seconds to learn what places to kiss to send me spiraling, or what sounds to make to send my ears ringing. All the way to how he effortlessly took control, and how I completely fell in love with his dominance even if it was only in a kiss.

A kiss wasn't all it was about to be had y'all kept it up.

My subconscious taunted and I quickly shut my laptop down and placed my head in my hands. I had to call it a day now. I couldn't think, and at this point I was only sucking up the air in the building without a cause. As I began to pack my things, the door to my office opened up. I looked up confused since I knew that Brook was the only one who would measly walk in, and she'd been gone for at least an hour and a half by now. When I looked up it took everything in my power to control my face from scrunching up at Darius.

Darius Manchester was another great lawyer at the firm. The problem with him though was that he felt himself too much and didn't even know what the word humble meant. He was an arrogant rich boy from a rich family who wouldn't know what struggle was if it hit him in the face: A pompous jackass who didn't understand the concept of no, and he really worked my nerves whenever he was around.

"Hello Kashera. Just heading out?" He asked as he leaned against my door frame. I kept packing as I nodded my head not even bothering to speak. He knew that I didn't care for him. Just as he knew that I would never willingly emerge myself into a conversation with the likes of him, but as I stated before he didn't understand the word no.

"So you can't speak now? You had plenty to say this morning at the press conference. Why not so tuff now?" He poked and I shot him a glare.

"You come in my office, without any announcement, and try to bash me? I don't know what you think this is, but I can assure you that is isn't that. Leave my office so that I can go home," I said as I put away the last of my things and grabbed my purse from my desk. I cocked my head to the side as he still stood at the door making no effort to move.

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