-A Few Parting Words-

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Well Hello!

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Well Hello!

Typically, authors do author's notes at the beginning of the novel and not the end, but in the name of this dear story we're going to stick with the tradition of going backwards.

For those of you who are reading this but haven't viewed my page and asked yourself in [concerning or genuine] wonder: Who in the hell is this low-key clown ass author? I'm Taylor, and I am so grateful to have this opportunity to meet you now outside of these beloved characters of mine.

First and foremost I want to start this off with the most important thing: Thank you.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reading this story to the end. Thank you for your time, you're comments, your votes, your support, and your overall love and commitment. It means so much to me to know that you all read this story and found something within these characters to want to stick with them through their ups and downs. I really can't put into words how thankful I am for that relationship that you've built with them. It means the world to me.

I also want to thank you all for your kind words to me. Thank you for encouraging me and uplifting me with every kind comment within this story or on the message board. I may not be able to reply to them all, but I promise I see them all and they have pushed me every step of the way. *Extends a warm rona-free cyber hug (stay y'all asses in da house puh-leese)*

I don't know what I was expecting when I uploaded this story. I just know that it wasn't this love and community that we've built within these pages, but I'm so damn grateful for it. For you. When I made the commitment to publish this, I'd just made the commitment to find myself. Through this writing I found therapy. I found some sense of healing within words. Within the community build within it, so again I'm grateful and in great thanks to you all for the opportunity to share this work with you on this fantastic site.

I always wanted to write, I've always had ideas in the drafts. But this is the first one I saw through and it's because I've come to love these characters so freaking much. This story was meant to be within its cliche confines but also different. I wanted to tell a story about the magic of family and the magic of fighting for the things that matter to us that society may deem as weak. I wanted to show that even men within Mafia's could love because they came from it. I wanted to show that a black woman could be strong but also vulnerable and not be faulted for either.

I wanted to show that both parties were deserving for all the love they fought for, and I'm so damn proud to know I can say that as I press the story status button over to complete.

Now that this lovely story of Kashera and Matteo is complete within the Lion's Den, I think it's time to detail our surprise!

The surprise of this message is that I fully intend for this book to serve as the beginning of a series. I can't wait to go on such an adventure with you all! *pops confetti cannon*.

Book two is available now on my profile, and more information about it is in the section titled "Book Two: House of Pride" within this book.

However, before jumping straight to it, some of you all may be interested in taking a slight detour. It was heavy on my soul to write a story about a different type of complexity of love. Something soulful, endearing, and empowering about the lines between self-love and loving someone else.

The Vindication of the Tiger is available to read in its completed entirety about the inner workings of Marcus Daniels and Jalyn Baxter. This short novella is just at sixteen chapters (even though they have a bit more length) and is focused on the events of these two amazing people following the events of TLD. I would love for you to give it a shot if you find it to your taste. I know we've had our ups and downs with Marcus, but we all must admit he was just being an Over protective big-brother. I think it's fair to say that by the end we know how big his heart is, and I hope you explore how deep it goes in Vindication.

 I think it's fair to say that by the end we know how big his heart is, and I hope you explore how deep it goes in Vindication

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Again, in these few parting words, I thank you for this opportunity. I love you all, and I can't wait to see where the rest of this journey takes us. This isn't goodbye, not by a long shot. It is most certainly a see you soon. Please feel free to message me, inbox me, or communicate how you want. I hope to not lose touch with some of the amazing friends I've made along this loving journey. *blows a thousand rona-free e-kisses ( Again stay y'all asses in da house puh-leese)*

All my love: Through anything, more than anything.


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