Chapter Twenty-Four: When The Lion becomes the Prey

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I couldn't help but to sigh in content once I awoke before I pressed my lips to the top of Kashera's head as she slept soundly tangled against me. I didn't know what I did to be blessed with Kash, but I learned a while ago to not question the logic of the universe: especially pertaining to her. She was the irrevocable love of my life, and I'd honestly have to spend the rest of my days in earnest dedication to her.

I was a nervous wreck when I showed up to her house last night. I couldn't think, and I was terrified beyond reason at the task of telling her everything that had transpired with Lilly. It was hard to resurface things that I'd locked deep down beneath the surface because of its ability to wreck me. I learned quickly, however, that Kashera Daniels was not someone who would ever allow for me to be wrecked.

She would come in and fight any battles and weather any current with me so long as she stood by my side. As long as I let her in, in was where she'd be.

Then, sure as day without any room for doubt, she told me that she loved me and I'd never felt so secure with anyone as I had then. I was so floored by feeling her love and my own intertwining into each other. Her touch alone brought me to salvation and peace, and with the whisper of three words she took my heart into her careful hands as I happily took hers in return once I said them back. I could tell she didn't tell me she loved me just for the return, and that made letting her know how I felt that much easier. That much more pure and authentic to who we were together.

Looking at the clock she kept on her side, I slowly got out of the bed and went to take shower before she woke up in a few minutes. As I told my truth to her last night, I couldn't help but to be brought down by the thoughts of all the bad, and the one good, that came from Lilly. I was wrecked again by the thought of losing Katerina. I was consumed by the anger of almost having my family and my empire ripped from me because of the reckless abandon of one woman. I was disoriented by the loss of myself, and I was mournful of a child that would've been almost three years old running around possibly calling me their daddy. However, as I looked into Kashera's eyes last night as she soothed me before telling me how she loved me, I had to say a prayer for how everything had come full circle: for how all the hell I went through led me to this blessing of the now.

For as much shit that was going on in my life, I had more to be grateful for than I had to be enraged about. Katerina was alive and well practicing medicine at her own leisure. She was the woman that she wanted to be. What was more was that her and la Mia vita were not only fast friends, but sisters. Something that I could've never thought about in the past with Lilly.

My family was closer than ever. I was a man now that my parents could be proud of, and my siblings could look up to even though I still messed up like anybody else. The iron fist I developed because of Lilly had led to me being a more firm and powerful leader today than I could imagine. I had immense power rooted in rightful fear, and equally rightful respect. I may have almost lost myself then, but I knew exactly the man I was now. I knew what I could take, and what I couldn't. I also knew that every day I had the capacity to become a better man for myself and for all the people around me that deserved my best. I took pride in the man I was today more than I ever had because it took an obscene amount of perseverance for me to get to be him.

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