Chapter Fourteen: When the Lion Must Gather the Tigers

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"Movies like this always annoy me so much," said Lilly with a pout coming over her lips. I raised an eyebrow as she absent-mindedly shook her head. I already knew that she would continue her thoughts without my prompting. It was how she was. "Why is it that this girl is so oblivious to the power that this man has? Honestly, get a clue!" She said in an exasperated tone.

We were sitting down watching some random movie that she'd put on. I was just glad to be able to sit down in the confines of my own home, outside of my bed, spending time with her. The movie was poorly made, cringe-worthy, and cliché as all hell but its what she wanted to watch so of course I obliged.

"What could possibly be so bad at that? Obviously he doesn't want her to know," I asked her somewhat sarcastically, somewhat just trying to feed into her by acting like I really cared.

"Oh please! People with power want you to know that they have it. Even if the knowledge is subtle, as long as they know you know all of well. This whole 'let's see if she loves me for me' non-sense is just so unrealistic and doesn't help him at all! How could she possibly love him for him if she doesn't even know who he is?" She said as she sat up some to look at me. I raised a curious eye at this now taking some slight interest into what she was saying. It was always her quick timed, left-field thoughts and reasonings that intrigued me more than I should've allowed.

"Oh really now? Why is that?" I questioned .

"Because, Matteo eventually she's going to find out who he really is. That means that who she 'really is' is going to be exposed ,too in some context or another. There's no way around it. Who that girl is towards him without regard of his actual power is completely meaningless. It's who she is when she's aware of exactly who he is that matters," She said smartly and pointedly.

At this I sat up some myself. It was an interesting dilemma that she posed, but I felt that Lilly was only looking at this on a surface level and missing the deep intention that the movie was trying (horribly) to implicate. Everything was not always as black and white as it seemed. Sometimes it was the people that wanted the least from you that wanted the most and best for you. I was crazy to think that she understood that notion because that mindset existed completely outside of the realms of what she knew about life.

"Okay, but who she is without the implications of his power gives him insight to how she actually feels about him. Not his status."

"But that's the thing! He is his status. She may be this delicate little flower-child with him now because she doesn't see a reason to treat him any other way, but what happens when suddenly she does? We can't sit here and act like people aren't capable of making drastic changes. Whose to say that the exposure to power wouldn't bring out another side of her? The assertion that a person is more honest or worth more morally without the exposure to money and the life that comes with it is absurd to say the least. The saying is 'Money doesn't change a person, but shows who they really are' for a reason," She said rolling her eyes at me as if what she said was the most obvious thing in the world.

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