Chapter Six: When the Lion Bares His Teeth

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~Two songs for this chapter: Die for you and RUNNING OUT OF TIME by Tyler the Creator~

~Two songs for this chapter: Die for you and RUNNING OUT OF TIME by Tyler the Creator~

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In the two weeks that had come and gone since I'd first spent the night at Kash's house, us staying together was now seemingly all but routine. I had amassed a drawer within her bedroom, and I was consistently plotting on ways to get her to keep more things at mine so she could have more than one drawer of her own in my home. Though she'd been there quite a few times, I often found myself amongst her and all the things that reminded me of her. It was more peace for me that way, and a much deeper distraction than staying in my home off the grounds of the family compound. I couldn't wait to look around my house and find traces of her there. Right now, it was only faint which was part of the reason I damn near was never there except to do any work that I could only do from my most private office.

That and the fact that home was a reminder of the fact that another family in the state of Georgia was trying to fight their way to me. I noticed their people trying to hide in plain sight when I was out to trail me, but I was always ahead, and I swiftly had them taken care of. The only problem was that the more of them that got handled, the more of them showed up. It was becoming a problem that was irking the hell out of me. In the last week I'd made the choice to step up everybody's security who had it (much to Katerina's displeasure). I was also beginning to worry about the means in which I could protect Kashera seeing as she was around me constantly these days. I couldn't afford to put her in any type of danger because of that, but I also had to take some more than preemptive measures to get her security due to deep rooted rules that even I couldn't necessarily break on a whim.

What was becoming clear though, was that our time of ignorant bliss was winding down. She was slowly but surely getting curious about what I did, and it was getting too dangerous too fast for her to continue to date me without knowing exactly who I was. One thing that I wouldn't do is allow her to walk around in an ignorant bliss that would result in her getting killed. Spilling everything to her before a formal commitment was a big risk that could result in me losing an amazing woman who had already taken a strong hold on me, but it was one that I had no choice but to make nonetheless. I was just stuck waiting for her to be completely ready for such an overwhelming ask. For an us and what that would entail because once she agreed to be mine, if she agreed to be mine, there would be no turning back. I'd be damned if I let her go.

Today we'd settled on meeting for an early dinner at around the late four p.m hour. Until that time came, I had enough errands to run and meetings to attend to filter me through the day. The first of which required me to head to the compound to meet with my father. As I walked inside the house making my way to the back where my fathers office was situated, it was quiet so I assumed that my mother was probably out.

"Ciao papa," I said as I entered the room. He looked up from his paper and motioned me over into the room.

"Ciao, my son. How are you?" He asked as he looked me over. I let out a sigh.

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