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Rosaline's team watched from afar, as she walked straight towards the giant male with an impassive facial expression. The giant male turned towards her and scanned her suspiciously with a scowl. They saw her talk to the giant and watched the scene carefully while their eyes narrowed.

Their hearts were already hammering from within their chests and their mouths were dry. They worried deeply for their Captain's safety despite knowing how strong she was. Her true strength was still a mystery to them but they knew she had to be strong to be a subordinate of Admiral Kizaru.

"You cannot fool me, Imposter!" Jambarl exclaimed in anger. Their eyes widened when the large male swung down his hand towards their Captain. A large gush of wind came from where he hit her and her men paled.

"H-Her outfit didn't work! What do we do now?! With Captain out, there's no one to lead us!" One of the men exclaimed and the other two gritted their teeth. A strong gush of wind blew from where the gigantic male swung down his fist and one of the males on her team clenched his fists.

"I have faith in Captain! She wouldn't let some gigantic guy beat her up! Especially not a pirate!" He exclaimed with his eyes looking for a piece of evidence that fitted his belief. She had to be all right because she was their Captain!

They suddenly heard a soft scoffing sound and their eyes widened. They knew that was their Captain's trademark reaction over any almost anything and silently cheered when they saw her figure emerge from within the dust.

Her face was impassive and her left hand was outstretched as she held the large fist from the gigantic male, shocking everyone that saw the scene. The giant was thrown back by a movement from Rosaline and clenched his fists after he regained his balance.

"Oh dear, it seems my disguise didn't work at all...and even after all the trouble I did by getting it." Rosaline murmured and frowned slightly at her genius plan. She had made sure to sneak in and then rid the pirates from the submarine but her plan didn't seem to work.

She pulled on her stolen clothing and tore them off her figure to reveal her marine uniform. She readjusted her hat on her head as her medium length red hair waved down her back and covered up a piece of her justice symbol. She threw the stolen glasses away to reveal her bright blue eyes and sighed.

Now she had to change her plan and improvise. It upset her greatly that her plan didn't work and it was frustrating. Every single time her plan didn't work and she embarrassed herself instead of getting anywhere.

"You think I wouldn't recognize someone from my comrades?! Who are you?!" Jambarl exclaimed as veins throbbed out from his temple in anger. The others at the ship saw the whole scene and immediately ran inside to get in contact with their Captain.

Rosaline noticed this and clicked her tongue. She clenched her fists tightly and a hard substance covered her skin. She couldn't let them come in contact with their Captain or it would ruin the plan of isolating the target on the island.

Jambarl growled when he saw her ignore his question and charged at her once again. Rosaline's frown twitched slightly and she crouched down. He suddenly felt his speed decrease and his body started to refuse going any closer towards the female.

Almost in fear.

"Speed Armament!" Rosaline exclaimed and vanished from Jambarl's sight. His eyes widened and he came to an abrupt halt while looking around. He couldn't feel her presence anywhere and when he felt her behind him, it was too late.

Rosaline appeared above him in a flash and smashed her foot down on a pressure point in the crook of his neck. He gasped out as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and unmoving.

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