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Maybe she was wrong.

That's the thought that constantly lingered inside Rosaline's thoughts for more than a whole day and she couldn't seem to find rest with the question at mind. Moreover, it was troubling her more than she expected it would. She hoped it wouldn't trouble her all the way to her performance.

She still had to keep her word.

Rosaline sighed and grabbed her jacket along with her sword. She clipped the sword to her side and put on the brown jacket before she walked out to the balcony. The cold night wind hit her and she shivered slightly, her eyes glancing up at the sky.

What if she was wrong all this time? What if she was wrong that all pirates were the same? What if they weren't? What would she do then? She didn't know the answer to any of those questions. Was all the hatred she had build up through the years been for naught?

Rosaline glanced at her unclothed hands. She stared at her vanished wounds, then let them fall to her side once again. She didn't know what to think of her predicament but she knew that she didn't want to let her mind wander too far.

She already avoided the entire crew like a plague throughout the day and stayed in her room with no one bothering her. She tried to rest after the terrible symptoms she had the day before, but she found that she couldn't sleep.

Rosaline was too occupied in thinking that maybe, just maybe, all pirates weren't as terrible as she came to believe. Ever since she was released from her Marine duties, everything started to look different. It was like she was observing everything from another angle.

She saw everything from a different point of view. It seemed more realistic than what she initially thought it was. She still saw the pirates as scum of the sea but she started to conclude that not all pirates were scum. Maybe... Just maybe... There were pirates that cared...?

Rosaline growled in agitation. She jumped on the railing of her balcony and then jumped off. She spun in the air and landed safely on her feet. She glanced up at her room one last time and then continued on the path towards the bar.

She had to get away before her thoughts caught up with her again. Not to mention, she had a performance to go to. She silently prayed that it would only be a quick song before she returned to the Inn, undetected.

She didn't even want to spite the male Captain anymore. She just wanted to try to stay away from him as long as she possibly could. She knew it wouldn't help her to run from her problems, they would only run after you. She had faced every problem and trail all her life. She wanted to run, just this once.

Rosaline ventured on until the Inn no longer was in sight. She observed her surroundings, taking in everything around her as she searched for the familiar bar. She didn't want to perform on this troubled night but she gave her word, something she needed to stop doing.

She was to be doing it a lot these days and she even did it with Shachi. She agreed to give Law a chance. One side of her was angry with her for agreeing while the other side was proud that she was at least attempting to try.

Deep down she knew it was for the best and it would make things a little lighter for her to handle when she could stand the male Captain. She didn't have any choice in the matter anyway. She had to suck up her pride and stay with him as one of his pirates.

She was Heart Pirate after all.

Rosaline snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a familiar bar reach her sights and her facial expression became impassive. She was going to try to make this as quick as possible and go back to the Inn. She let out a sigh and shook her head before she stepped into the bar.

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