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A sigh echoed throughout a small blue room, the sound shuffling of wood against something sharp trapped within the space. A figure clipped her sword to her side and pulled on her hat, adjusting it until it was comfortable.

She glanced at herself in the mirror before she exited the room without another sound. Her footsteps could barely be heard and before anyone noticed she exited the Submarine. She didn't glance back but stopped at the railing of the ship and looked out towards the island.

"Sorry, everyone. I'm going to be gone for a while. I have to do this on my own," She murmured softly, then jumped off the ship and gained her balance on the sand. Her blue orbs hardened as she sprinted off into the forest of the island.


Inside the submarine...

"Rosa-san! How about a round of poker? Penguin wants you to play against him again!" Shachi called as he knocked on the door of Rosaline's room. His brows furrowed when he saw the door was open and opened it up, noticing the emptiness instantly.

"Rosa-chan! Where are you?!" Shachi called as he closed the door behind him but didn't receive any reply. He frowned and took a step forward before hearing something creak beneath his foot. His attention was immediately drawn and he bent down to pick up the small piece of paper.

To whom this may concern...

I have left the submarine and won't be returning for a while. Please do not worry about me and thank you for everything. I appreciate it if you can understand but I have to go off on my own for a while.

I'll see you later...
Love Rosaline...

"CAPTAIN!" Shachi called at the top of his lungs causing the other crewmembers to burst out of their rooms while looking at Shachi in mixed confusion. Law exited his office and glanced at the panicked redhead male.

"What's wrong, Shachi-ya?" Law asked as he walked towards him with the others close on their Captain's trail. Shachi handed over the letter to Law who took it with a raised brow before his dark eyes trailed over the letter.

A small smirk came upon his lips and he calmly folded the letter. Bepo and Penguin's eyes were wide because of what they just read, looking at each other in confusion. They couldn't believe that Rosaline had left with nothing but a note. Why would she leave?

"Leave her. She'll come back sooner or later."


On the island...

Rosaline's blue eyes were hardened as she walked through the forested area, her breathing heavier than normal. Her system still seemed down but she wasn't going to let it keep her away from her decision. She had to continue moving.

She felt her heart clench painfully and briefly stopped while looking up at the air. A small trail of smoke was released into the sky and her brows furrowed. A frown came upon her lips before she forced her unwilling body forward and walked on.

They were close.

She could feel her stomach churn. The closer she got the fire, the more her heart clenched tightly in her chest. Her entire body told her to turn back, go back to the submarine, to her crewmates, to her singing and cooking, to Law, rather than go this way. Yet, she kept moving forward.

She could already feel an incredible presence near her. It made her own spirit rise slightly as if fighting back against the strong force. She let out a shaky breath and her eyes darkened when she saw the group of men.

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